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Hollywood Heritage's Free Author Program Spotlights John Ford's 'Calvary Trilogy'

Hollywood Heritage's Free Author Program Spotlights John Ford's 'Calvary Trilogy'


Michael F. Blake, author of The Calvary Trilogy, will talk about his book and the history of John Ford's classic westerns at a free event at the Hollywood Heritage Museum on Saturday, June 22, from 2 to 3:30 p.m.

Ford claims that he never intended to make a trilogy including Fort Apache (1948), She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949), and Rio Grande (1950). The first two films were made to boost the declining Ford company. The third film, which paired Maureen O'Hara and John Wayne, was a way to get The Quiet Man made with the same stars.

“The Cavalry Trilogy” sheds light on how each film was made, from pre-production to its theatrical release. Readers discover why Monument Valley was Ford's favorite place. The author explains how various stunts were performed and how Ford used his unique style in various scenes (called a Fordian touch by film critics and academics).

Each film includes an analysis of Ford's scene construction and character development, illustrated with behind-the-scenes photographs and editing room screenshots.

About the Author

Michael F. Blake spent 60 years working in the film and television industry before retiring in 2018. For 40 years, he worked as a makeup artist on numerous films and television shows. He received two Emmy Awards for Best Makeup in 1998 (“Buffy the Vampire Slayer”) and 2016 (“Key and Peele”).

He has written numerous books, including three about Hollywood's Man of a Thousand Faces, Lon Chaney, as well as “My Code of Honor: The Making of High Noon, Shane and The Searchers” and “Hollywood and the OK Corral.” .

Blake also writes about Hollywood, cinema and the West for Wild West, American Cinematographer, True West, Round-Up and Los Angeles Times.

A small exhibit of items related to the Calvary trilogy will be on display Saturday and Blake will sign books following the presentation (Larry Edmunds Bookshop will handle book sales).

The museum will be open Saturday for this free event, but museum exhibits will be closed for the transition to a new exhibit. If you have already purchased a ticket, you will be refunded upon arrival at the presentation. Present your receipt at the counter.

Hours and parking

The Hollywood Heritage Museum is open Saturdays and Sundays, as well as the first Thursday of the month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Times may vary due to the Hollywood Bowl schedule, so check the website before heading there.

Hollywood Heritage highlights Hollywood Canteen.

Hollywood Heritage highlights Hollywood Canteen.

Parking is free in the parking lot in front of the museum. The museum is across the street from the Hollywood Bowl. The entrance to the land is on Odin and Milner side streets.

The Hollywood Canteen opens its doors on June 29

A new exhibit, Out With the Stars, with a spotlight on the Hollywood Cantina, opens at the museum on June 29.

“Out with the Stars” showcases the hotspots of Old Hollywood where the stars came out on the town to be seen. The history of these legendary restaurants and nightclubs and the biggest names in cinema is told through menus, vintage photos and other memorabilia.

During World War II, the Stars served and played free for servicemen visiting the Hollywood Canteen. Founded by Bette Davis and John Garfield, the cantina welcomed enlisted men to enjoy the entertainment of major celebrities.

Founded in 1980, Hollywood Heritage continues to preserve and protect Hollywood's historic built environment by actively interacting with city, state and federal agencies. The organization also educates the public through the continued operation of the Hollywood Heritage Museum, housed in the historic Lasky DeMille Barn. The group also sponsors and presents programs at the museum on historical topics regarding preservation and film history.

Hollywood Heritage Museum is located at 2100 N. Highland Ave., Los Angeles.





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