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Hollywood Arby's closes after more than 5 decades in business following minimum wage increase

Hollywood Arby's closes after more than 5 decades in business following minimum wage increase


Hungry folks strolling down Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood might wonder who owns these meats after Arby's closed its longtime location after more than five decades in business.

The fast food restaurant's iconic cowboy hat was captured by FOX 11's SkyFOX camera Tuesday with the message “Farewell Hollywood. TY for 55 great years.” The restaurant near Bronson Avenue closed its doors Saturday, according to local reports.

The franchise has had one owner since its opening in January 1969, 91-year-old Marilyn Leviton.

“The truth is I think it was the pandemic that destroyed us. I really think we would have closed during the pandemic. [if it weren’t] for federal loans”, she told KTLA. “I’m terribly sorry it’s come to this.”


Arby's sign in Hollywood says goodbye

“Farewell Hollywood. TY for 55 great years,” reads the iconic Arby's cowboy hat sign on Sunset Boulevard after the restaurant closed this weekend. (FOX 11 Los Angeles SkyFOX)

His son-in-law Gary Husch, who was the general manager of the establishment, told the Los Angeles Times that the pandemic, low foot traffic, rising food costs and California's rising minimum wage were all factors in the decision to close.

“With inflation, food prices have increased significantly and the minimum wage of $20 an hour has been the nail in the coffin,” he said, adding that workers have been informed of the new when they went to work Friday.


Wide shot of Arby's Sunset Blvd

The restaurant on Sunset Boulevard near Bronson Avenue had one owner since it opened, kTLA reports. (FOX 11 Los Angeles SkyFOX)

Arby's did not immediately respond to a request for comment from FOX Business.

A recent study published by found that the new law that took effect April 1 impacts restaurants with 60 or more locations — most fast-food chains have increased menu prices in the state by a figure between 5 and 10 , as a percentage, and price increases hurt business.

FOX 11 THE reported that many restaurants in California have closed recently, with Rubio's Coastal Grill closing 48 locations in the state.

Arby's Sunset Blvd Iconic Cowboy Hat Sign

Arby's is known for its roast beef sandwiches and is now part of Inspire Brands LLC. (FOX 11 Los Angeles SkyFOX)


Arby's, part of Inspire Brands, is known for its roast beef sandwiches. The global multi-brand restaurant company's fact sheet states that Arby's is “the largest sandwich drive-thru chain in the United States,” with more than 3,600 locations in nine global markets.

Breck Dumas of FOX Business contributed to this report.




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