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Actor Ed O'Neill shares his story of being cut by the Steelers and memories of Joe Greene, LC Greenwood

Actor Ed O'Neill shares his story of being cut by the Steelers and memories of Joe Greene, LC Greenwood


In the last episode of hisGames with names”, podcast, former New England Patriots wide receiver Julian Edelman interviewed actor and former Steeler Ed O'Neill.

Before finding fame as Al Bundy on Fox's “Married with Children” or Jay Pritchett on ABC's “Modern Family,” O'Neill was a football player at Ohio University and eventually at Youngstown State . Unwritten out of college, O'Neill signed with the Steelers in 1969, serving on Hall of Fame coach Chuck Noll's first team.

During the show with Edelman, O'Neill told the story of the day he was cut. probably July 20, 1969. It was also the day Apollo 11 landed on the moon.

“I was packing my bags. I said to myself, “I don't want to go home and have to explain this,'” O'Neill remembers. So he asked to be dropped off near a friend's house, in a bar in the city.

»I order a beer and they have the TV on the top of the wall. The news comes in and shows (Neil) Armstrong walking on the moon. And I'm like, 'Well, at least someone had a good day!' And then they went to play sports. And of course it's Pittsburgh, so they show linebacker Ed O'Neill being released today from the Steelers.' And here is my photo.

At that point, O'Neill says other people in the bar recognized who he was.

“'Are you Ed O'Neill?' Now they all buy me drinks.» O'Neill laughed. I finish at 3:00 a.m. in a car with a girl and a state (policeman) who arrested me.»

At that point, O'Neill says the officer recognized his name.

“He said, 'Were you kicked out of Pittsburgh today?'' I said, “Yeah.” He let me go,» » said O'Neill.

“They love them Steelers,» Edelman laughed.

“Even if you’re cut. It makes no difference,» » said O'Neill.

“You're still part of the team,» Edelman responded.

Additionally, during the show, O'Neill talked about performing with “Mean Joe” Greene.

“He was great off the field. He was a nice guy in real life. But on the field he was brutal,» O'Neill said (at 57:19 of the video stream). “He was hitting guys. He was hitting guys in the stomach with a punch. He had a superb uppercut to the solar plexus. He would nail these guys. 'Boom!' And they fell like a sack. He was brutal. He wasn't lifting weights. Just normal, naturally (loud). Never touched a weight. But fast. … He was a tremendous player.

O'Neill also gave some first impressions of LC Greenwood.

“He was a rookie when I was a rookie. I would have bet my life they would have cut it. He played like he was on roller skates. He was 6 feet 7 inches tall. And he was long and thin. And I thought he looked like a basketball player,» O'Neill said (At 1:04:40). “But they worked with him. He had potential. He became a great player. »

Also during the program, O'Neill talked about Super Bowl IX, Chuck Noll, appearances on his shows with Terry Bradshaw and his FX show “Clipped.”

Tim Benz is a Tribune-Review staff writer. You can contact Tim at [email protected] or via X. All tweets may be reposted. All emails are subject to publication unless otherwise noted.




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