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Actor recounts memories of Steelers greats

Actor recounts memories of Steelers greats


PITTSBURGH — Before Ed O'Neill became one of Hollywood's favorite TV dads, he was a prospect for the Pittsburgh Steelers. In a recent episode of Games with nameshosted by Julian Edelman, O'Neill analyzed Super Bowl IX and discussed his brief experience as a professional football player.

In the summer of 1969, O'Neill had just graduated from Youngstown State in Ohio. Primarily a defensive end in college, the Steelers signed undrafted O'Neill to add to the competition at outside linebacker. Arriving at training camp, the undersized O'Neill attempted to learn the position on the fly. And while he was a gifted athlete in his youth, let's just say the actor didn't have the foundation needed to succeed in the NFL.

“I’ve never been coached,” he said. “My idea was to knock the shit out of you.”

Unfortunately for O'Neill, his physical approach wasn't enough to keep him in Pittsburgh. He was held out of training camp, but several other new faces who arrived that same year became Steelers legends.

One of them was a new head coach named Chuck Noll. The most successful coach in team history arrived that summer for his first training camp and launched a dynasty.

One of the players was defensive end LC Greenwood. Selected in the 10th round by Arkansas AM&N (now known as Arkansas Pine-Bluff), Greenwood was a lanky but athletic defender. O'Neill admitted to getting a terribly wrong read on him when the two showed up at Steelers training camp all those years ago.

“I would have bet my life they would have cut him,” he said. “Because he played like he was on roller skates. He was 6'7 and he was tall and thin.”

Although O'Neill felt Greenwood was better suited to basketball with his size, he would become a vital member of the Steel Curtain. After becoming a full-time starter in 1971, Greenwood had a dominant decade and retired in 1981.

Fortunately for O'Neill, he would go on to great success in show business. After getting his start on Broadway in the late 1970s, his big break came when he landed the role of Al Bundy on the hit sitcom. Married with children. He found fame with a whole new generation playing the patriarchal role of Jay Pritchett on the ABC sitcom. Modern family. So it's fair to say that O'Neill did very well.

Still, it’s amazing to hear the stories and experiences he had with the Steelers. The team had one of the most dominant periods in NFL history in the 1970s, and it's always exciting to hear first-hand accounts of the team and players that Steelers Nation idolizes.

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