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Pakistani actor Kubra Khan's new Eid film has a Kashmir connection

Pakistani actor Kubra Khan's new Eid film has a Kashmir connection


DUBAI: American singer Nicole Scherzinger attended the 2024 Tony Awards in New York on Sunday in a dress by Lebanese designer Nicolas Jebran.

The pink-colored dress featured a sheer skirt adorned with ruching at the hips. Stylist Emily Evans completed the look with -Cicada and Maison H jewelry.

Nicole Scherzinger showed off a pink-hued Nicolas Jebran dress on the red carpet. (Getty Images)

Scherzinger was scheduled to star in a Broadway revival of Sunset Boulevard and sang the In Memoriam section, the Associated Press reported.

She sang What I Did for Love as the names of Broadway's latest heavyweights came up, including playwright Christopher Durang and actors Alan Arkin, Glenda Jackson, Louis Gossett Jr. and Treat Williams.

The Outsiders, a realistic adaptation of the classic young adult novel, won the Tony Award for Best New Musical. The win means Angelina Jolie, a producer, also nabbed her first Tony.

Angelina Jolie, producer of “The Outsiders,” won her first Tony. (Getty Images)

Stereophonic, the play about a Fleetwood Mac-type band recording an album during a turbulent and life-changing year, won best new play and took home the most awards of the night, or five. It was written by David Adjmi, with songs by former Arcade Fire member Will Butler.

Two special guests electrified the crowd Jay-Z and Hillary Rodham Clinton. The latter, producer of a musical about the suffragettes, presented Suffs.

“I’ve been on a lot of stages, but this one is very special,” Clinton said. I know a little about how difficult it is to make changes.

During the first musical presentation, Alicia Keys appeared at the piano as the cast of her semi-autobiographical musical, Hells Kitchen, performed a medley of songs. She sang Jay-Z's 2009 smash Empire State of Mind for him, joining the rapper on the inside steps to loud applause, according to the Associated Press.

Later, newcomer Maleah Joi Moon won Best Lead Actress for Hell's Kitchen, fending off a challenge from veteran Kelli OHara. The 21-year-old, who plays a role loosely based on Keys' life, dedicated her award to her parents.

Jeremy Strong won the first grand prize of the evening. The Succession star nabbed her first Tony for her work in the revival of Henrik Ibsens' 1882 political play, An Enemy of the People.

Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe cemented his stage career by winning featured actor in a musical, his first trophy in five Broadway shows. He won for the revival of Merrily We Roll Along, the time-traveling Stephen Sondheim-George Furth musical.




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