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Christian studio eyes culture wars as challenge to Hollywood

Christian studio eyes culture wars as challenge to Hollywood


Hollywood's so-called “wokeness” is a frequent target of right-wing commentators and politicians.

But for the small Utah-based movie studio behind last year's hit film “Sound of Freedom,” it's a lucrative gap in the market.

“Hollywood is just this bubble. They’re not relatable to the average person,” said Jordan Harmon, co-founder of Angel Studios.

“We make films for the remaining 90%,” he explains to AFP.

Co-founded by four Mormon brothers, Angel Studios shook Hollywood last July with its wildly successful thriller about a vigilante who takes on a child sex trafficking ring.

Debuting days after the fifth “Indiana Jones” film, “Sound of Freedom” left Disney's expensive franchise in the dust, grossing $250 million worldwide.

Featuring overt religious messages and a plot that some have compared to QAnon conspiracy theories, the film found itself at the heart of America's “culture wars.”

But according to Harmon, it's the failure to address both sides of these deep ideological divides that has led to Hollywood's recent box office decline.

In exchange for a monthly fee, a membership base known as the “Angel Guild” can vote via a mobile app on which films or shows the studio should buy, make and release.

“It’s just an entrepreneurship 101 course,” Harmon said. “Listen to what your customer wants and do it. »

– “Pay it forward” –

Angel Studios started out as VidAngel, a service that allowed parents to watch popular movies and shows without the “boobs, blood, and bad words.”

A first conflict with Hollywood ensued for copyright infringement. The brothers changed their name and turned their attention to creating original titles.

Today, many of Angel's films and shows feature strongly Christian themes or stories, and the company's manifesto promises content that “amplifies the light.”

“The Chosen,” a television series about the life of Jesus, originally released by VidAngel, claims more than 700 million episode views.

But the company has been the subject of strong criticism, particularly since “Sound of Freedom”.

A “pay it forward” model that encouraged fans to buy theater tickets for strangers and spread the film's message has been accused of artificially inflating box office figures.

Some questioned how Angel actually spent the money, leading the company to post a cost and profit spreadsheet online.

Along with accusations of peddling conspiracy theories, the film has been accused of misrepresenting the trafficking problem.

While fans said it called attention to a devastating and important issue, others accused the film of exaggerating the facts.

“Haters can criticize all they want,” Harmon said.

“All of a sudden, everyone was presenting it as 'it's a right-wing movie,' when in reality there's nothing in it that's right-wing,” he added.

– 'Very pro-life' –

Angel's next film, “Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot,” premieres July 4 weekend and comes with an activist message of its own.

It tells the true story of a small Texas town in the 1990s, when 22 families decided to tackle the foster care crisis and adopt dozens of at-risk children.

Released during a U.S. election year, the film is “very, very pro-life,” Harmon says, even if it doesn't directly address the country's raging debate over abortion.

Although another success on the level of “Sound of Freedom” seems unlikely, this success allowed the company to grow to approximately 250 employees.

“David,” an animated musical about the biblical king, is set to be released next year, with Angel executives optimistically saying they want it to be “the most-viewed animated film ever released.”

The move into animation makes sense for a studio that views Disney as a symbol of Hollywood's excessive “vigilance” and tendency to “prioritize politics over storytelling.”

“They have disenfranchised and damaged their brand significantly over the last several years,” Harmon said, referring to Disney's recent “Star Wars: The Acolyte” series, which was criticized in conservative circles for its heavy LGBTQ themes.

“As founders, our long-term vision is that we will try to compete with Disney at the highest level, or die trying.”


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