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The documentary Baseball Behind Barbed Wire will be screened June 25 in Hollywood

The documentary Baseball Behind Barbed Wire will be screened June 25 in Hollywood


The 1944 Gila River All-Stars front, from left: Scotty Mizukami, Ralph Osada, Key Kobayashi, Ken Zenimura, Tets Hasegawa, Kay Ishimoto and Tak Abo. Back row: Tom Osada, Tosh Nishino, George Yamada, Harry Kono, Kenishi Zenimura, Tets Furukawa, George Fujioka, Kenso Zenimura and Tom Murata.

The documentary Baseball Behind Barbed Wire (2023, 34 minutes) will be screened with other short films on Tuesday, June 25 at 4:45 p.m. at the TCL Chinese 6 Theaters, Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue in Hollywood, as part of Dances with Films.

Guard towers and barbed wire confined Japanese Americans during the forced incarceration of World War II. But it was impossible to contain their love of baseball and it brought comfort and hope to the ten War Relocation Authority camps. This bitter story is told with moments of joy and laughter as inmates gathered to build baseball fields, play ball, and even walk long distances. to proclaim their American heritage through their beloved baseball.

Interviewees include Tets Furukawa, Howard Zen-imura, Kerry Yo Nakagawa and Bill Staples Jr.

Directed by Yuriko Gamo Romer; written by Romer and Shirley Thompson; produced by Romer and Marc Smolowitz; co-produced by Loi Ameera Almeron.

For tickets visit the link at

Based in San Francisco, Romer holds a master's degree in documentary filmmaking from Stanford University and is a Student Academy Award winner, a National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Fellow, and a Fellow of the American Association of Japanese University Women. His current documentary project, Diamond Diplomacy, explores the relationship between the United States and Japan through a shared love of baseball.

This uniform worn at Gila River by Tets Furukawa is now in the collection of the National Museum of American History.

She directed and produced Ms. Judo: Be Strong, Be Gentle, Be Beautiful, the only biographical documentary about Keiko Fukuda (1913-2013), the first woman to achieve the 10th degree black belt in judo. Ms. Judo has traveled to over 25 film festivals internationally and received the Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary at the 2013 International Sports Film Festival in Moscow and broadcast nationally on PBS.

Romer's short films include Occidental Encounters, Reflection, Kids Will Be Kids, Sunnyside of the Slope, Fusion, and Friend Ships, a short historical animation about John Manjiro, the inadvertent Japanese immigrant rescued by an American whaling captain.

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