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Ian McKellens' former understudy speaks out on actors' shock fall from West End stage

Ian McKellens' former understudy speaks out on actors' shock fall from West End stage


David Weston, a former student of Sir Ian McKellen, opened up about the work ethic of actors and the physical toll of theater.

In a test for The Guardianhe described McKellen's commitment to the work and how he always showed up despite exhaustion or illness.

After following him around the world as an understudy King Lear in 2007, I know his fear of disappointing his audience. No matter how tired he was or how bad he felt, Sir Ian was always there, Weston writes.

He belongs to the old school of actors who pride themselves on never missing a performance. A dying breed.

McKellen, 85, currently plays John Falstaff in Kings of Gamblersa production by William Shakespeare Henry IVat the Nol Coward Theatre.

THE the Lord of the Rings The star slipped and fell off stage while performing a fight scene and was taken to hospital.

McKellen updated fans on his condition on Tuesday. I would like to thank everyone for their kind messages and support, he said via his publicist Clair Dobbs.

Since the accident, during a performance of Kings of Gamblers Last night my injuries were diagnosed and treated by a series of experts, specialists and nurses working for the National Health Service. Of course, I owe them a lot. They assured me that my recovery would be full and speedy and I look forward to returning to work.

Sir Ian McKellen and co at the encore for the Player Kings press night in April
Sir Ian McKellen and co at the encore for the Player Kings press night in April (Getty)

Weston, whose book McKellen cover: the story of an understudy won the 2012 Theater Book Prize, then described the specific scene in which McKellen was injured, explaining how it caused injuries to other actors, including himself.

There must be something in this scene. Not only was Sir Ian injured there, but in 1961 the excellent actor Tony Britton was playing Hotspur at the Old Vic in London and was taken to St Thomass Hospital in full armor after suffering a serious head injury when the Prince Hal mistimed a move. at his head. He carried the scar on his forehead until his death, he wrote.

My prince Hal rushed at me, I parried with my dagger, turned and found myself tumbling down the slippery metal stage onto the ancient stones five feet below.

I fell on a rock, still holding my sword tightly in my left hand, and broke my wrist.

Weston described the physical demands of theater and highlighted how the challenges intensify for aging actors as they deal with learning lines, physical movements like kneeling as well as deteriorating posture. vision and hearing.

The job becomes more and more difficult for aging actors. Lines become more difficult to learn, the fear of drying out on stage can affect bigger actors, although I've never experienced it myself.

Shakespeare becomes impossible unless you play the king: you spend so much time on your knees and have nothing to hold on to to help you get up. Your vision disappears. You have trouble seeing steps or the edges of things.

You become slightly deaf and have difficulty hearing your cues, especially from young actors who don't project like they did in your youth.

Sir Ian McKellen plays Falstaff in Player Kings at the Noel Coward Theater since April
Sir Ian McKellen plays Falstaff in Player Kings at the Noel Coward Theater since April (Jacob Freedland/PA Wire)

In a statement to The independenta representative of Kings of Gamblers said: Thank you to our audience and the general public for their well wishes following Ians' fall during this evening's performance of Player Kings.

Following a scan, the brilliant NHS team assured us that he would make a speedy and full recovery and Ian is in great spirits.

The production made the decision to cancel the performance on Tuesday June 18 so that Ian could rest. Those affected will be contacted by their point of purchase as soon as possible tomorrow.

Kings of Gamblers is set to move to Bristol Racecourse in July and will also take place in Birmingham, Norwich and Newcastle.




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