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Sharara ensembles adored by Bollywood divas

Sharara ensembles adored by Bollywood divas


Sharara sets for women have always been a long-standing example of our eternal grace and rich culture. Sharara ensembles came into fashion with the rise of the Mughal era, where Mughal princesses and other court women mostly wore flowing and resplendent sharara suits and ensembles. If we go back in time, sharara style suits and kurta sets were also worn and much loved by the Nawabs of Lucknow, and with time, they also became a staple of women's wardrobe, both casual and festive. A contemporary sharara ensemble for women includes a short kurti, preferably in a peplum silhouette, flared sharara pants and a complementary dupatta or long scarf. These traditional yet modern ensembles are widely celebrated for their flared hemlines, delicate embellishments, versatility and beautiful silhouette. Libas' Sharara sets are a wonderfully popular choice for a variety of occasions, from casual outings to large festive celebrations.

Sharara's festive call moves to Libas

Sharara sets are deeply rooted in our traditional roots and rich cultural tapestry. Sharara style sets and Sharara pants are very popular in South Asian countries like Nepal, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. For many years, Sharara suits have been a symbol of royalty, grace and opulence. Their luxurious appeal is enhanced by wide-legged pants that are identified by their unique voluminous flared cut that often comes down from the knee and goes all the way to the ankle. Sharara sets from Libas come with that beautiful appeal that will make you effortlessly stand out from the crowd on all kinds of festive occasions.

There are some key USPs of Sharara suits that make them look truly luxurious and resplendent compared to other usual suit sets. Let's take a look at some of them below that make sharara style kurtis and sharara pants so special:

Multifunctionality and versatility

One of the many points that make Sharara suits a must-have for every woman is their adaptable and versatile nature. And because of this, they can be easily dressed up or down depending on the occasion you are attending. For example, for a wedding reception, complement Libas' sharara sets with antique jewelry, a Potli bag, and to accentuate the overall look of the sharara pants, pair them with embroidered Juttis to complete the look.

Choice of fabrics

Sharara sets today are made in a myriad of fabrics like cotton, rayon, silk, georgette, chiffon, velvet, etc. Each fabric gives a totally different look, feel and vibe to the entire outfit. However, flowy and lightweight fabrics are mostly the most sought-after choices for Sharara pants and suits.


Choosing the right set of ornate embellishments on your Sharara suits can make all the difference. Most of the time, they are adorned with intricate Zari, sequins, mirror accents, Zardori, pearls, etc.

Conclusion: Buy Beautiful Sharara Sets for Women at Libas

Sharara suits for women are an ideal amalgamation of traditional aesthetics and modernism. Shop Libas' timeless Sharara suits in a wide range of fabrics, shades, necklines, sleeve designs and silhouettes.




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