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Kannada actor Anusha Rai admits that Darshan has anger issues but also defends him: he was accused, not convicted.

Kannada actor Anusha Rai admits that Darshan has anger issues but also defends him: he was accused, not convicted.


The Kannada film industry has remained virtually silent ever since Kannada star Darshan Thogudeepa was arrested by the Bengaluru police in the Renukaswamy murder case. The case remains under investigation and it emerged on Thursday that Darshan had allegedly confessed to his involvement in the murder. (Also read: Kannada actress Rachita Ram shocked her mentor Darshan is involved in a murder case: police will bring out the truth)

Darshan found support from his colleague Anusha Rai.
Darshan found support from his colleague Anusha Rai.

Speaking exclusively to Hindustan Times, Kannada actor Anusha Rai said that she simply couldn't believe that Darshan was involved in Renukaswamy's case. I have been a fan of Darshans since I was a child and have come across him many times. He is very gentle and kind. He told me that he only served food to his fans once a year on his birthday, but they were the ones who fed him 365 days a year and it was thanks to them that he lived a beautiful life. Another thing he told me was that he told his fans not to tattoo his name but do their parents know that Darshan has a tattoo on his chest that says Nanna Celebrities because he calls his fans celebrities? He told his fans not to follow me in cars and bikes on the road because I will travel at high speed and your family needs you. He didn't want anything to happen to them. How could such a caring person be involved in a crime like this? He is still an accused and not a convicted criminal. So instead of talking all this crap about him, wait for the law to take its course, Anusha said.

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And his family ?

The Damayanthi actor was upset with people cursing Darshan's wife Vijayalakshmi and 15-year-old son because she felt it was wrong to harm them. People are cursing Darshan's family and someone had written (on social media) that Darshan's son should meet the same fate as Renukaswamy. Darshan's wife's name is Vijayalakshmi and for 22 years she has been by his side. Vijaya means success and Lakshmi means money. His son is only 15 years old and he doesn't even know how much of a superstar his father is and what is happening now. We must leave them in peace.

As for Darshan's relationship with Pavithra Gowda, Anusha told HT that she was not aware of the nature of their relationship and only her close circle of friends would know. When asked about Darshan and his anger issues, which the Kannada film industry is aware of, Anusha said: Yes, he has anger issues but he is also very humble and good. He doesn't get angry at everything and people who talk to him talk to him cautiously. When I talk to him, I stay within my limits. Darshan also openly admitted that he had anger issues during his interviews.


Darshan's derogatory comment on women in February 2024 during a speech in Srirangapatna, where he said, Ivathu ivalu irthale, naale avalu barthale (Today it is her, tomorrow it is another), the saw him enter into another controversy. Ask Anusha about her attitude towards women and she says, “Her comments were misunderstood, I think. His wife Vijayalakshmi had posted a photo of the family on social media and then Pavithra Gowda had posted a photo with Darshan on the same day, which created a problem. I don't think Darshan was referring to all women, he seemed to be referring to his wife and Pavithra. He said that at the end of the day, he had to give 100 percent to cinema and not to women. He put in 25 years of hard work from scratch and today has built an empire. After Dr. Rajkumar's seat, there will be only one superstar who will be called Darshan. I don't think he can make these stupid mistakes (Renukaswamy case). He is a very sweet, caring and humble person – he treats everyone well. I don't know, maybe his weather is bad now. I don't know how this happened and if Darshan did this then the law will take its course.




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