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The 'Bonnie And Clyde' actor was 91

The 'Bonnie And Clyde' actor was 91


Evans Evans, an actress who made some minor forays into television when she was cast in what would become her most memorable role as a kidnapping victim in 1967. Bonnie and Clydedied Sunday June 16. She was 91 years old.

No further details were available. His death was announced in a public obituary.

Born in Bluefield, West Virginia, on November 26, 1932, Evans resided in Sherman Oaks, California, the widow of director John Frankenheimer. The two were married on December 13, 1963 and remained married until his death on July 6, 2002.

After a series of one-off appearances on episodic '60s television programs like The Donna Reed Show, Wagon Train, Death Valley Days And Alfred Hitchcock presents, Evans played what would become his breakout role in 1967. Bonnie and Clyde: As Velma Davis, she and her stage partner Gene Wilder, in her big screen debut, played two young lovebirds who, while kissing on their porch, notice that a group of thugs are stealing their car. 'Eugene.

Irate, Eugene and Velma go after the thieves, then think better of it and turn back, at which point the thieves – who happen to be Bonnie (Faye Dunaway), Clyde (Warren Beatty) and the rest of the Barrow Gang, from playful way. turn and chase after him. The outlaws kidnap the initially terrified couple, but soon everyone involved is having a good old time, driving around, ordering takeout burgers, and laughing (or not) at Buck Barrow's (Gene Hackman) old jokes.

At one point, Velma shocks Wilder's Eugene Grizzard by blurting out her true age – 33. The lark quickly ends when Eugene mentions that he is an undertaker, a revelation that upsets the death-obsessed Bonnie. The excursion, one of the film's lightest and truly comedic scenes, ends on a melancholic note as a panicked Bonnie demands that the young couple be kicked out of the car and left standing, with their hamburgers, alongside of a dark man, distant road.

The film would be the high point of Evans' career, as she appeared in small roles in a handful of projects throughout the 1970s and, in 1989, Dead blowa film directed by her husband Frankenheimer.

Evans appeared on Broadway three times in the late 1950s and early 1960s: the first time in 1957. Darkness at the top of the stairs; SO A distant bell (1960) and, the same year, The 49th cousin.

Information on survivors was not immediately available.




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