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GTA Online Players' Call for Michael DLC Gets Response from Its Actor

GTA Online Players' Call for Michael DLC Gets Response from Its Actor


Strong points

  • Fans are eagerly waiting for Michael to receive DLC in GTA Online, but it's unclear if that will happen.
  • Ned Luke, Michael's actor, responded to fan requests, sparking excitement and speculation.
  • While fans are hoping for Michael's return, all of Rockstar's potential projects are being kept under wraps.

GTA Online players are asking for Michael De Santa to receive DLC in the online component of the game, and the actor who brought the character to life has responded to the request. Fans of GTA Online And GTA 5 are excited and hopeful at the prospect of a Michael update, but it remains to be seen if it will become a reality.

GTA Online saw content including Trevor and Franklin, two of the three GTA 5 protagonists. Even though some players complain about the Dr Dre DLC in GTA Online, most were excited to see Franklin back in action after years of requests to see the character again. However, Michael is still missing from the online component and fans want that to change.


Grand Theft Auto Online temporarily removes content due to vulnerability

A popular Grand Theft Auto Online feature is currently unavailable to PC players due to what could be a vulnerability in the game.

Players have been talking about Michael again since GTA Online revealed the Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC, which brings back the character Maude from the game's main story. One fan complained that the online version of the game brought back almost every character from the story mode except Michael, which led another to respond that Ned Luke, his actor, had to force his way into the mocap room to record new DLC. Ned Luke saw the tweet and responded by simply saying, “Wouldn't that be nice?”

Does Ned Luke's answer mean Michael will appear in GTA Online?

Since then, many fans have responded enthusiastically, with one believing the response indicated he was teasing future Michael content. However, many others have indicated that they don't think this is the case, and with good reason. If Ned Luke were to return in any capacity to the series, he would undoubtedly be subject to an ironclad NDA preventing him from speaking about it until an official reveal. It wouldn't be worth violating the NDA and invoking the wrath of Rockstar and Take-Two just to appease some fans.

It is much more likely that Luke simply agrees with this statement, as he regularly engages with the RGT fan base. The actor played the game on stream and even played the role of a grumpy Cluckin' Bell employee in a short video. It seems like Luke would be perfectly happy to revisit his role, but if Rockstar has any plans for that to happen, they'll likely remain under wraps. Even if Rockstar suffered another devastating leak, Luke likely wouldn't comment until he was given the green light.

Some have suggested that a final mission that brings back all three main characters would be a great way to close out the title before GTA6 spear. This idea has gained a lot of traction in the community. For now, however, it remains to be seen whether fans will get their wish.

Grand Theft Auto Online

Grand Theft Auto Online

1st October 2013

Rockstar North




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