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Swedish Days opens with music, entertainment, food and rides

Swedish Days opens with music, entertainment, food and rides


Carnival riders take to the skies on Wednesday on the opening day of the Swedish Days in Geneva.
Sandy Bressner/Shaw Local News Network

With temperatures in the 90s Wednesday afternoon on the opening day of Swedish Days in downtown Geneva, the ice cream seemed not only sweet but also soothing in the heat.

The festival runs until Sunday June 23.

On Third Street, people held ice cream cones or ate from paper bowls as the heat melted the confections.

Debra Berschbach, of Geneva, sat on a bench on Third Street, eating Mackinac Island fudge ice cream from a cone. Bits of chocolate fondant protruded from the vanilla, swirled with more chocolate fondant, purchased from Sweet Sensations, located in the Berry House, 227 S. Third St.

I just moved here from Virginia, Berschbach said. I've been coming here for years because my daughter lives on the street. Charles. And I had never heard of Swedish Days. So I thought I'd better come check it out. I just walked this block. Then I stopped to see the carnival rides (and) listened to some music under the beer tent. There are a lot of sales in stores.

She bought a plant from Grow Geneva, 220 S. Third St., and a placemat for her table from The Little Traveler, 404 S. Third St.

I'm going to go home and ride my bike when it's a little cooler later for the talent show tonight, Berschbach said.

The Swedish Days, which started on Wednesday, will continue until Sunday in downtown Geneva.
Sandy Bressner/Shaw Local News Network

Nancy DiMarco and her daughter Audrey, also from Geneva, came to Swedish Days because they wanted ice cream from Grahams, 302 S. Third St. with pecan butter for Nancy and chocolate and peanut butter for Audrey.

It's always great service, it's homemade, it's an independent business that supports local products, Nancy DiMarco said.

And they did some shopping and bought some kitchen towels at The Little Traveler.

Tony Feldhaus (left) and Dick Bennett prepare the grill at the Knights of Columbus booth Wednesday during the opening day of the Swedish Days in Geneva.
Sandy Bressner/Shaw Local News Network

Bob Swiderski and Jim Sronkoski were sitting on a bench in the shade, taking a break from selling food at the Knights of Columbus stand at Third and Campbell streets.

And despite the scorching heat, business was pretty good for opening day, Swiderski said.

It is one of the Knights of Columbus' largest events, Sronkoski said. It's one of the biggest fundraisers of the year.

Swiderski said all money raised goes back into the community through the Knights' events and programs.

Brian Norfleet of Chesterfield, Missouri, formerly of Batavia, was driving his 1-year-old grandson, Will, while the rest of his family went shopping.

We love it, Norfleet said of Swedish Days. Obviously, it's hot. But it's great to be back. We didn't come here. It's been 20 years for the Swedish Days.

His daughter lives in Arlington Heights and they come to see their grandson often.

Batavia resident Bill Ruby brought his toy poodle, Eva. Her favorite part of the festival is the food.

I'm going to the Knights of Columbus…bratwurst, Ruby said.

To consult the festival program, visit the website of the Geneva Chamber of Commerce at




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