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I'm more furious at Young Sheldon's cancellation after actor Missy's final comment

I'm more furious at Young Sheldon's cancellation after actor Missy's final comment



  • Missy
    Young Sheldon's ending left fans and even Raegan Revord disappointed and furious.
  • Young Sheldon missed the chance to say goodbye to Missy – something that could have been resolved if the series had continued via
    The Conners
  • Young Sheldon
    The cancellation of was based on
    The Big Bang Theory
    canon, but the writers had an easy way around this if they were willing to continue beyond Sheldon's move.

After learning what Raegan Revord had to say about Missy's ending, I'm even more furious with Young Sheldon being canceled. It's been barely more than a month since the emotion Young Sheldon final broadcast. Although I believe George's funeral is The Big Bang Theory best episode in the universe, I can't help but think of the wasted potential of ending the series prematurely. Young Sheldon was the number 1 comedy on TV for the fifth year, taking the place of TBBT. As Meemaw actor Annie Potts characterized the cancellation, it was apparently a stupid business decision for CBS.

The reason for Young SheldonThe cancellation had nothing to do with grades but The Big Bang Theory cannon. I know this because I led Screen Rant's coverage on The Big Bang Theory And Young Sheldon for years. Long before we had an established reader base, I was already writing about shows, both news and features. Naturally, I covered the Young Sheldon finale with more enthusiasm, knowing that it was the end of Sheldon's 17 years on television. Despite the title, however, I remain fully convinced that CBS could have continued after the release of the young genius.



Young Sheldon Creator's Biggest Regret Led to Best Episode in the Big Bang Theory Universe

Ironically, the best episode in the Big Bang Theory universe was only made possible by Young Sheldon creator's biggest creative decision regret.

Raegan Revord is not happy with the end of Missy's young Sheldon

Young Sheldon didn't exactly get off to a good start at Missy

Raegan Revord as Missy in Young Sheldon

My feelings about Young SheldonThe cancellation of has already been skewed to the negative side, but after learning Revord's comment about how he handled Missy's ending, I became more furious about it. I love Missy. She's one of my favorite characters in the show, and one hill I'm willing to die on is Young Sheldon missed a big opportunity by underutilizing it. Young Sheldon season 6 attempted to fix this by giving her a proper arc, but by season 7 she was relegated to a supporting character even though the rest of the ensemble's roles had grown.

In the aftermath of the show, Revord admitted that she felt bad about Missy. Young Sheldon END. She is heartbroken for her character, not only because she lost her father, but also because she was left with a mother who was not capable of being a mother. In The Big Bang Theory, Missy was the worst performing Cooper sister (something I've already pointed out in 2022). While Sheldon got a fresh start after moving to California and Georgie's story will continue with Georgie and Mandy's first marriage, Young Sheldon left Missy in such a horrible state.

It breaks my heart. She just doesn't have an easy life. All her life, she was a little ignored because of her [twin] brother, and the only person who paid attention to him died. She finds herself with a grieving mother who [isn’t] there for her as she should have been because they are all dealing with [George’s death] their way. Mary leans a lot on her religion…and in Big Bang, Missy is a waitress, she has all these kids [and] it was the Cooper child who was least successful.

Young Sheldon could have given Missy her due

Missy would have been the perfect Coopers protagonist

Montana Jordan as Georgie Cooper, Emily Osment as Mandy McAllister, Lance Barber as George Sr., Iain Armitage as Sheldon Cooper, Raegan Revord as Missy Cooper, Zoe Perry as role of Mary Cooper and Annie Potts as Connie 'Meemaw' Tucker in Young Sheldon

Missy's arc could have been rectified if Young Sheldon had continued. While the show's creators argued that Sheldon's decision was the organic end of the series, what they failed to take into account was that the prequel had long outgrown its story premise of the origins of the boy's genius. This was largely due to their writing. In recent years, Sheldon's storylines were less compelling than others'. Essentially, the story of the Coopers in Texas will continue via Georgie and Mandy's first marriagebut Missy won't be a regular, making it difficult to develop her story.

Georgie's arc as a new father may progress simultaneously with Missy's more stereotypical experiences as a teenager, while Sheldon might drop in from time to time.

Chuck Lorre and his team simply renamed Young Sheldon has The coopers, then CBS wouldn't have to make this awkward transition to the Georgie and Mandy spinoff. In The Coopers, the series could finally fully embrace storytelling based on Young Sheldon built on in recent years. Georgie's arc as a new father may progress simultaneously with Missy's more stereotypical experiences as a teenager, while Sheldon might drop in from time to time. I am fully convinced that this was the perfect plan to continue Young Sheldon without breaking canon and viewers would continue to tune in.



Actor Meemaw's Criticisms of Sheldon's Cancellation Are Right Thanks to New CBS Data

Annie Potts, who played Meemaw on Young Sheldon, spoke out against the show's cancellation, and CBS news supports her.

Can the Big Bang Theory universe make up for young Sheldon's Missy crime?

The Big Bang Theory universe options are currently limited

Missy barely appeared in The Big Bang Theory, but based on her few appearances, she wasn't exactly thrilled with her adult life. That said, Jim Parsons' retelling of Sheldon for adults in Young Sheldon revealed that she ultimately led a happy life after his last appearance on the nerd-centric sitcom. Still, it doesn't carry much weight, given that it was just a passing statement with no additional information. As mentioned before, Missy's story can continue via Georgie and Mandy's first marriage. Maybe after one or two appearances, CBS will change its mind and bring her in as a series regular.

Otherwise, it's probably the end of the character. I find it strange that Missy's finale Young Sheldon the scene was that she was a goof. Not only was this unusual, but it also contradicted her final arc in the series, which focused on her grief over George's death. Somehow it did Young SheldonYears of neglect are worse.


Young Sheldon

A spin-off of the sitcom The Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon follows the youth and coming-of-age of Sheldon Cooper during his childhood in Texas as he pursues his scientific and academic studies. The series also follows his parents, siblings, and Mee-Maw, painting a picture of the world Sheldon grew up in.

Jim Parsons, Iain Armitage, Annie Potts, Emily Osment

Release date
September 25, 2017





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