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Stormy Daniels Gives Bizarre Reason for Getting into the Adult Entertainment Industry: I Made More Money in Half

Stormy Daniels Gives Bizarre Reason for Getting into the Adult Entertainment Industry: I Made More Money in Half


Former adult film star Stormy Daniels appeared on the Daily Mail's exclusive podcast, Everything I Know About Me, after Donald Trump was convicted in the secrecy case. She gave bizarre reasons for getting into the adult entertainment industry and admitted her scandalous past goes far beyond her relationship with former US President Trump.

Stormy Daniels, 45, admitted she never intended to become a stripper, but she did it in 1996 so she could feed her horse.  (AP)
Stormy Daniels, 45, admitted she never intended to become a stripper, but she did it in 1996 so she could feed her horse. (AP)

Daniel, 45, admitted she never intended to become a stripper, but she did so in 1996 so she could feed her horse.

I made more money in two songs than I did in a week shoveling horse manure, she said, revealing the truth on the podcast.

She further explained why she thinks Melania Trump “knows I'm telling the truth” regarding her affair with the former president.

Daniels and Trump's alleged affair began when he was a reality TV celebrity and billionaire real estate mogul and ready to welcome his first child with Melania.

Daniels, real name Stephanie Clifford, revealed her involvement in the secret trial in New York and expressed her displeasure with the many misunderstandings that resulted.

She described to the jury how Trump's team paid her $130,000 to keep their relationship a secret before the 2016 election.

While Daniels claims they met at a celebrity golf tournament in 2006, Trump insists he never met her.

The former adult film star says in her sensational testimony that she regretted sleeping with Trump, but she chose to ignore those memories, saying it left her “staring at the ceiling.”

Read also: Melania leaves Trump Tower with her son Barron after receiving harsh advice from Stormy Daniels

Stormy Daniels says she was sexually assaulted when she was 9

Stormy Daniels also revealed how she was sexually assaulted when she was just nine years old and how her love of horses helped her get through a difficult upbringing. The adult actress admitted she wanted to go back and kill her attacker, but he was already dead.

Daniels' next-door neighbor began sexually abusing her best friend, whom she calls “Vanessa” in her bio and in this interview.

In the podcast, Daniels named her attacker, but she stressed that she was not allowed to do so in her memoir. By the way, he is dead now, because I came back later to kill him,” she said. “And he already was, he was already deceased.

Daniels claimed that after learning of the abuse, she began to come between her and him, implying that she was also a victim of the abuse that occurred.

She spent her child in a dilapidated house in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. His father made sure Daniels remained in his life with his wife No. 2, Susan. It was her father who first took her horseback riding.




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