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Trans woman attacked with baseball bat in West Hollywood attack

Trans woman attacked with baseball bat in West Hollywood attack


Jamie Love, a trans woman who is an artist and nightlife performer, was attacked Tuesday evening by an unidentified man, resulting in injuries requiring medical treatment. The attack occurred in the east of the city as the victim was returning home.

The attacker, dressed entirely in black, with a mask and hood concealing his face, hit the victim with a baseball bat. “I never got to see his face directly while he was swinging a baseball bat at my face,” Love posted on his Instagram account. “All I remember is him walking past me and then feeling the sound of aluminum on my forehead.” Despite the sudden attack, Love managed to escape and contacted authorities.

After filing a police report, the victim was taken to the emergency room, where CT scans were performed to rule out internal bleeding. Fortunately, the scans came back clear and the victim was released after receiving stitches.

Jamile Love – Screenshot via Instagram @iamjamielove

Love expressed gratitude for surviving the attack and shared a poignant message, particularly resonant during Pride Month. “I'm very lucky to be alive and to escape with only a few stitches. I wanted to come here and tell my story. Especially during Pride Month, to hope everyone stays extra vigilant and safe. We are still not safe on these streets, no matter what time of day or what region you live in. No matter who you are or what you identify as PLEASE be safe. Know exactly which routes you're taking and who's waiting on the other side.

Due to the injuries sustained, the victim announced the cancellation of all upcoming shows, appearances and hosting engagements in order to focus on her recovery. “I'm really sorry to disappoint everyone, but right now I'm completely focused on resting and healing as quickly as possible. I love you all so much and once again, I'm sorry for this disturbing news. But I will come back to you stronger than ever, I promise.

This attack is a stark reminder of ongoing safety concerns in the community, highlighting the need to be vigilant and aware of one's surroundings.

if you see something, say something. Anonymous tips can be called into Crimestoppers at (800) 222-TIPS (8477) or by texting 274637 (CRIMES on most keypads) with a cell phone. If you see something, say it. Anyone with information can also leave a tip at

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The goal of Los Angeles Regional Crime Stoppers is to prevent and reduce crime, by forming a partnership between the community, law enforcement and the media to provide anonymity and cash rewards to anyone who provides information leading to an arrest.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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