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Carol Burnett cements her place in Hollywood history as theater legend places hand and footprint on TCL Chinese Theater

Carol Burnett cements her place in Hollywood history as theater legend places hand and footprint on TCL Chinese Theater


HOLLYWOOD (KABC)– There are legends, and then there are legends! Actress and comedian Carol Burnett definitely qualifies. The 91-year-old was honored outside the famous TCL Chinese Theater on Thursday as she placed her hands and footprints in cement outside the famous Hollywood venue.

The ceremony was a bit of an “old week at home” for Burnett, who grew up in Hollywood. She attended Hollywood High School and graduated 73 years ago. She then went to UCLA.

Burnett moved to New York to begin his career. After becoming a success on Broadway, she turned her attention to television. After a successful run on “The Garry Moore Show,” Burnett returned to Los Angeles and began an 11-year run on “The Carol Burnett Show,” which aired on CBS television from 1967 to 1978.

In 1974, she found herself in cement at Grauman's Chinese Theater for a sketch on “The Carol Burnett Show.” Half a century later, she did it for real!

At Thursday's ceremony, talk show host Jimmy Kimmel hosted the event, and Burnett's castmates on the AppleTV+ comedy “Palm Royale” Laura Dern and Bob Odenkirk were also part of the ceremony. She was also surrounded by friends, including Dick Van Dyke, Allison Janney, Maya Rudolph and costume designer Bob Mackie.

Dern shared this fun anecdote: Of the nearly 200 people who have had their hands and footprints cemented in the theater, Burnett has known or shared the screen with 127 of them!

Kimmel noted that Burnett has won seven Emmys, a Tony, a Grammy and even the “Carol Burnett Award.”

And of course, Burnett can also do drama, as we saw in “Better Call Saul.”

“Carol, you are heartbreaking, funny and powerful in this role,” Odenkirk said.

The actress already has a significant presence in the heart of Hollywood in honor of her entertainment career. She received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1975 and her portrait is depicted on a mural at her alma mater Hollywood High School.

Burnett told ABC7's George Pennacchio how much the honor meant to her.

“It means so much, and like I said in my speech there, my grandmother and I, when I was little, we used to come here and look out at the yard and see all the movie star handprints I remember, because I love Betty Grable, I remember leaning over and putting my hands on her handprints, and now my prints are there, I am. really amazed,” Burnett said. “That reminds me. I just wish my grandmother could see this. Maybe she does. She'd be thrilled.”

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