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Ben Affleck talks Jennifer Lopez's marriage in interview with Kevin Hart

Ben Affleck talks Jennifer Lopez's marriage in interview with Kevin Hart


In the first episode of the new season of From heart to heart, an interview with comedian Kevin Harts on Peacock, Oscar winner Ben Affleck dives deep into his concerns about his career and his origins in Hollywood. Although Affleck largely skirts his personal life, he shares some insights into what it's like to be married to multi-hyphenate mega-star Jennifer Lopez.

Currently, there are incessant rumors that Lopez and Affleck, who first got engaged before splitting days before their wedding, are on the verge of divorce. Some speculated that Lopez's constant presence on social media had irritated Affleck. in their relationship.

In a documentary accompanying Lopez's self-financed musical film It's me… now: a love story, Affleck expressed his reluctance to fully embrace his wife's vision for the film, which involved giving his collaborators access to a trove of love letters exchanged between Affleck and Lopez.

Now, in the new interview with Hart, Affleck first briefly alludes to Lopez in an aside to the comedian. My wife will tell you, I like to talk, he says, in a clip before a commercial break.

Affleck then tells Hart that his children he shares Violet, Seraphina, and Samuel with ex-wife Jennifer Garner are great at detecting his vulnerabilities and using them to make fun of him.

My daughter always gives titles to her autobiography, Affleck explained. We went somewhere with [Lopez]I don't remember it because she's so famous and she creates this feeling that people love her and she really represents something important to people, Affleck says. [To me,] people say: Hey, I like your movie, and then they say AAAHHHH! J-LO!,” he shouted. It's amazing, you know what I mean?

I think it was when we walked through Times Square, he continues. We got out of the car, we were going to see a play and I was like, “Fuck, baby, we're going to be late, we have to walk a block and a half.” [Lopez] it was like, okay, she didn't say anything.

We went out with her, all the kids, through Times Square, and it was like fucking bananas, Affleck said. I was like, Oh my God. There was a lady, she was smoking weed, in a tight purple suit, heavy woman and she started running backwards while filming, going J-LO!! Like a herald, it then attracts everyone, then all the tourists enter.

Then we have our five kids, it's me and Jen and what feels like hundreds of people, and they're all screaming. And my daughter turns to me and says, J-Lo Was My Stepmother, Affleck continues. And I was like, okay, that's a good title.

Affleck also references the constant stream of paparazzi photos showing him grumpy. While some have evaluated the photos and recently concluded that he must be unhappy in his marriage to Lopez, Affleck pushes back on that narrative here.

Explaining to Hart why he slightly preferred directing to acting, Affleck begins: “I'm also a little shy. I don't like a lot of attention. That's why people see me and wonder: Why is this guy always angry? Because someone had their camera pointed at my face, and I'm like, OK, here we go.

You have a resting bitch face, jokes Hart.

Female dog? Now Affleck has responded, with faux outrage. I rest hard confront. People project something onto me that I don't feel at all.

Meanwhile, while Affleck insists everything is fine, Lopez has just been spotted. on vacation on a boat in Italy this week without her husband.




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