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Jeopardy! : Surviving veterans' daily double bet leaves fans confused in latest game | Entertainment

Jeopardy!  : Surviving veterans' daily double bet leaves fans confused in latest game |  Entertainment


Danger!The Last Champion Leaves Fans Confused About His Game Strategy as a Former Survivor player Drew Basile returned for his second match on June 20.

THE the only person to play both Danger! And Survivor, Drew should be a gameplay pro, but viewers called out his weak and unclear betting requests during the Double Jeopardy! turn as he discovered the two Daily Double clues. The second Daily Double of the day was accompanied by the $1,600 clue in the Museums category, which read: A self-portrait of Frida Kahlo dedicated to this Russian exile can be seen at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. Drew provided the correct answer: Who was Trotsky? but only bet $3,000.

The third Daily Double was discovered under the $1,200 clue in the On the Road, Jaques category, which read: The philosopher Jacques Derrida was born in this African country when it was ruled by France, but left for Paris in 1949. Drew once again provided the clue. correct answer to What is Algeria? But he only added $1,200 because he didn't bet more than the index's initial value. But more perplexing was how Drew decided his bet, noting that he wanted to be twelve, which fans said could mean various totals ranging from $12 to $12,000, but led host Ken Jennings fill in the blanks by determining $1,200.

Drew Basile from the cast of season 45 of

Robert Voets/CBS

Given his success in the previous match, some viewers were perplexed by Drew's performance, which, if altered, might have placed further ahead of competitors Jonquil Garrick-Reynolds and Bob Longstreth, who each entered in Final Jeopardy! with $10,400 and $8,600 to Drews' $15,600.

Although the low bets in previous rounds may not have made much sense, Drew's smaller bet in Final Jeopardy! This paid off as he and his other competitors had a poor final answer. The Wives of Authors category provided the clue: when asked if she was the inspiration for the wife in a 1922 novel, this woman said no, she was much bigger.

The correct answer was supposed to be Who was Nora Joyce? Drew still maintained his winning position with a final score of $9,800 against $6,398 for Bob and $1,200 for Jonquil. Drews' combined two-day total is $33,282, and taking that into account, he earned significantly more on the first night than he did on the second night.

Despite his success, Drew's handling of the Daily Double bet drew strong reactions from fans, as seen below:

Drew shortening the Daily Double bet was weird, he probably shouldn't do that anymore, fan wrote on Reddit. No kidding. I had a debate with a few people, and it could have meant $12, $1,200, or $12,000. Based on the hesitation and index value I was thinking $1200, but with his DD and FJ bet yesterday all three are plausible, another the viewer responded.

Drew needs to go further and harder on the dds tomorrow, put the game out of reach bby I want to see you dominate, another fan noted.

All I'll say is that Drew says 12() is exactly his portrayal on Survivor, another the viewer complained.

Danger!Weekday evenings, check your local listings

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