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Why This Bollywood Marriage Is Turning Into A Family Drama StarPlus

Why This Bollywood Marriage Is Turning Into A Family Drama StarPlus


Bollywood is abuzz with the impending nuptials of Sonakshi Sinha and her longtime beau Zaheer Iqbal, a union shrouded in speculation, rumors of family drama and enough gossip to fuel a thousand chai breaks.

According to Instant Bollywood, a recent viral post on Reddit claimed that Sonakshi's brother Luv Sinha and mother Poonam Sinha had given her the cold shoulder on social media by unfollowing her on Instagram. However, there is a slight flaw in this theory: there is no evidence that they followed it in the first place. Needless to say, there have been hints of family discord. Luv posted cryptic messages on social media, which he later clarified were not intended for anyone. While Internet users believe that this is a serious case of overanalysis, Luv, true to her enigmatic positions, refused to comment on her sister's marriage, saying: “I have no involvement in this matter” . Ouch.

The plot thickened when Sonakshi's father, veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha, also expressed surprise at the news of the marriage, revealing that he was not informed or consulted about the union . Speaking to Times Now, he said, “People close to me ask me why I am not aware of this (the alleged marriage), and the media is aware of it. All I can say is that children today don't ask their parents for consent, they just inform them. We are waiting to be informed. He also said: “We have complete confidence in his judgment. She would never make an extra-constitutional or illegal decision. As a consenting adult, she has the right to make her own decisions. I would like to say that every time my daughter gets married, I dance right in front of the baaraat”

Sonakshi's uncle Pahlaj Nihalani confirmed that Shatrughan was angry with her, but it wouldn't last long. Speaking to Times Now, Pahlaj said, “He can't stay angry for long, not with Sonakshi. She is his favourite. There is no doubt whether he will attend the wedding or not. Like Shatruji told you: today’s children don’t do it.” I don't ask for parental consent, they just inform them. Why should he be upset if Sonakshi marries the boy of her choice? Shatruji himself married a girl of his choice forty years ago. Even I chose my own life partner when I married my husband. women. One should not have unrealistic expectations of their children. »

Despite the family's apparent lack of involvement in the planning, Shatrughan assured the public that he would bless his daughter's decision and support her choice. He said: “If my daughter gets married, I will give her my blessing and support her decision and choice. Sonakshi has the right to choose her partner and I will be the happiest father on her wedding day. I will always wish him the best… I only have one daughter.

He also confirmed his presence at the wedding. In an interview with Zoom, the veteran actor and politician addressed the false reports claiming that he would not be present at the ceremony. He said, “Tell me, whose life is this?” This is just the life of my only daughter Sonakshi, who I am very proud of and love immensely. She calls me the pillar of her strength. I'll be there at the wedding. , certainly. Why shouldn't I and why won't I? He added, “The very fact that I am still in Mumbai shows that I am here not only as his pillar of strength but also as his armor. Sonakshi and Zaheer have to live together. They look very good together.”

Addressing the false reports circulating online, he said: “I would like to warn them with my dialogue signature: Khamosh. This is none of your business. Just mind your own business. » The rumors were further dispelled when Shatrughan posed with Zaheer and his family on Thursday, quashing any speculation of discord. They were spotted leaving Zaheer's residence in Mumbai around midnight on Friday. The veteran actor happily posed with his daughter's fiancé, even sharing a moment of levity as he jokingly told photographers, “Khamosh,” another nod to the famous dialogue. Shatrughan appeared to be in good spirits, greeting the media before leaving.

Sonakshi is set to marry Zaheer on June 23. The couple, who have been dating for almost seven years, reportedly first connected at a party hosted by Salman Khan. This is where their bond evolved from friendship to romance. Sonakshi and Zaheer have been together at various events. From attending Salman's sister's Eid party to attending her The Constitution At co-star Sharmin Sehgal's wedding reception, the couple's bond was evident through their mutual chemistry. While the exact nature of the family drama remains unclear, it remains the talk of the town, ensuring that the Bollywood grapevine remains well watered with gossip and anticipation.

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