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International Yoga Day 2024: Kareena Kapoor to Malaika Arora

International Yoga Day 2024: Kareena Kapoor to Malaika Arora


International Yoga Day 2024: Kareena Kapoor to Malaika Arora – Meet the OG Yoginis of Bollywood

A look at Kareena and Malaika's yoga journals. (courtesy: kareenakapoorkhan)

New Delhi:

Today is a special day for all fitness enthusiasts. No need to guess: it's International Yoga Day. June 21 is dedicated to the ancient practice of staying fit through various asanas and pranayamas. The theme of this year's Yoga Day is Yoga for Self and Society. Like many of us, our favorite Bollywood celebrities swear by yoga to maintain their physique and overall health. Without further ado, let's take a look at the OG yoginis of Bollywood.

1. Kareena Kapoor

It wouldn't be wrong to say that Kareena Kapoor is the queen of chakrasana. The Bollywood diva never fails to inspire her fans by performing the asanas without breaking a sweat. Some time ago, Kareena said chakrasana was her favorite yoga pose. Along with a photo, she wrote: As I'm flying out for the summer, my favorite yoga asana is a must ~ chakrasana to go.

2. Shilpa Shetty

Shilpa Shetty is not only one of the best fitness enthusiasts, but she is also a big foodie. So what keeps her in shape? Of course – yoga. Not long ago, the star shared a video of her yoga session on Instagram with a detailed note highlighting her love for . It read: Yoga is my choice at home, on vacation or after returning from vacation. So, today's routine included Virabhadrasana and Skandasana, which when performed together makes a great combination exercise. It is beneficial for strengthening the thigh and core muscles. It also improves balance, increases flexibility in the hips and pelvis, and deeply stretches the groin, hamstrings, and adductor muscles. It is also a great exercise that increases flexibility for more difficult asanas.

3. Taapsee Pannu

The actress, who we will soon see in I'm playing, has also proven her passion for yoga time and again. From doing aerial yoga to trying out different poses with her sister, Shagun Pannu, Taapsee Pannu has never ceased to impress yoga lovers.

4. Malaika Arora

You must be living under a rock if you don't know about Malaika Arora's dedication to staying fit. The star is often spotted by the paparazzi while hitting the gym. A few days ago, Malaika shared a video of herself doing Chakravakasana, also known as the cat-cow stretch. The side note read: Flowing towards happiness…one pose at a time.

5. Rakul Preet Singh

According to a caption on Rakul Preet Singh's Instagram post, yoga is the journey of self, through self, to self. The actress, who is making heads turn with her well-toned figure, includes pranayamas and asanas in her fitness regime. By doing yoga, Rakul experiences a feeling of liberation.

6. Neha Dhupia

The mother of two can be the envy of everyone with her fabulous physique and flawless skin, thanks to her yoga routine. Do you know who Neha's favorite yoga buddy is? None other than his grandson, Guriq Bedi. Take a look at the mother-son duo doing Adho Mukha Svanasana, also known as Downward Dog Pose:

7. Vidya Malvade

We can't make a list of the best yoginis in Bollywood without mentioning Vidya Malvade. Her Instagram account is proof of her love affair with yoga. Just today, the star hosted a class in New Delhi to mark International Yoga Day.

A very happy International Yoga Day to each of you.




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