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Get Inspired: See How Bollywood Stars Are Celebrating International Yoga Day 2024

Get Inspired: See How Bollywood Stars Are Celebrating International Yoga Day 2024


Mumbai: Bollywood celebrities never miss a chance to inspire their fans with a fitness regime. They do everything to stay in shape, both physically and mentally. Many celebrities practice yoga and inspire others to incorporate it into their lives by sharing posts and videos on social media.

On the occasion of International Yoga Day, several actors took to their respective accounts to express their love for yoga.

Actress Kiara Advani shared a photo of herself practicing yoga on her Instagram stories. She wrote in the caption: “Happy yoga day.”

Urmila Matondkar also posted a photo of herself practicing yoga and wrote a caption highlighting the importance of yoga.

She wrote in the caption: “Yoga should be a lifestyle…much more than just fasting or celebrating on a certain day. It is much more than a physical exercise. It is mental, emotional and especially spiritual (not religious) in a much deeper sense. It's like trying to find the bottom of an ocean that is your own self. I sincerely hope that you all try it in your own way. one small step. Happy #internationalyogaday everyone, you are wonderful people!!

Shilpa Shetty, who is passionate about fitness and setting an example for others to stay fit and healthy, shared a video with a special message for her fans in which she is spreading awareness about yoga and achieving a peaceful mind and healthy body.

“Every emotion is linked to breathing. If you change the breathing and its rhythm with awareness, you can change the emotion. On this yoga day, let's make every breath count,” she wrote in the caption .

Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani also posted a photo in which both of them can be seen practicing yoga together. The caption reads: “Together in wellness and all that is beautiful.. happy #internationalyogaday to all of you lovely people.. #fittogether, staytogether..Yoga is a state of mind, a state of happiness, a feeling of being one with yourself and the universe..taking small steps towards better health..@anshukayoga making us do couple stretches like never before”

Actress Neha Dhupia also shared a photo of herself practicing yoga. “Practice your practice every day… It's never too early to start or too late to stop… #yogaforeverone.. #internationalyogaday,” she wrote in the caption.

Soha Ali Khan also wished fans on International Yoga Day: “Do yoga because hitting people is against the law… #internationalyogaday,” she wrote in the caption.

Neetu Kapoor also mentioned, “Among the hustle and bustle of life, I find my peace – Happy International Yoga Day @jaisathyayoga @riddhimakapoorsahniofficial”

Several other celebrities, including Patralekhaa, Esha Gupta and Anupam Kher, shared inspiring and motivational messages while spreading awareness about yoga on the occasion of International Yoga Day.

This year's event highlights the profound impact of yoga on young minds and bodies. The celebration aims to bring thousands of people together in the practice of yoga, promoting health and well-being globally.

This year's theme, “Yoga for Self and Society,” emphasizes the vital role of yoga in promoting individual well-being and societal harmony.

Since 2015, the Prime Minister has spearheaded International Yoga Day (IDJ) celebrations at various iconic locations including Kartavya Path in Delhi, Chandigarh, Dehradun, Ranchi, Lucknow, Mysuru and even the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

This year's celebrations will spread across the nation, with a notable event called 'Yoga for Space', during which all centers and units of ISRO will offer programs on the practice of CYP or common protocol yoga. Globally, Indian embassies and missions abroad will join the celebrations, reflecting the widespread influence of yoga.




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