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Celebrate queer cinema at the Egyptian Theater's Hollywood Pride Series, June 25-27

Celebrate queer cinema at the Egyptian Theater's Hollywood Pride Series, June 25-27


Experience nearly a century of LGBTQ+ representation on the big screen

The Egyptian Theater is set to host “Hollywood Pride: Queer Lives on the Silver Screen,” a film series co-programmed with critic and author Alonso Duralde. This event celebrates the release of Duralde's new book on queer films and artists in Hollywood. The series, which spans nearly a century of filmmaking, explores the evolution of queer representation, from subtle coding to overt, proud expressions on screen.

The program opens with James Whales' horror classic “The Old Dark House,” a film that influenced “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.” This shows how early Hollywood films featured queer themes, often hidden but detectable to the observant viewer. Joseph Mankiewicz's “All About Eve,” winner of the award for best film produced under the restrictive Hays Code, elevates its queer characters while becoming a queer cult classic. Tennessee Williams' “Suddenly, Last Summer,” starring Katherine Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor and gay actor Montgomery Clift, offers one of the era's most explicit acknowledgments of a character's homosexuality.

The series also includes Rock Hudson's performance in the romantic comedy “Pillow Talk,” where his secret off-screen life contrasts with his feigned cheerfulness on-screen. The New Queer Cinema movement of the 1990s gave rise to daring films like Wachowski's “Bound,” presented in a new 4K restoration, which is notable for its depiction of a passionate lesbian romance. Andrew Ahn’s “Spa Night,” set in Los Angeles’ Koreantown, exemplifies the era’s independent productions that allowed queer artists of color to tell their authentic stories.

The series concludes with the Los Angeles theatrical premiere of “OUTSTANDING: A Comedy Revolution,” a documentary by Page Hurwitz. This free community screening will feature special guests from the film. “OUTSTANDING” highlights the journeys of LGBTQ stand-up comics, from pioneers like Margaret Cho and Rosie ODonnell to current stars like Joel Kim Booster and Wanda Sykes. The documentary celebrates the resilience and impact of queer comedians who have pushed the boundaries of the comedy world.

For more information on the “Hollywood Pride: Queer Lives on the Silver Screen” series and screening times, visit the Egyptian Theaters website. here.




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