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Visit to the key gardens and operas of the peninsula's events

Visit to the key gardens and operas of the peninsula's events

A garden tour, opera and outdoor concert highlight this weekend's events on the Northern Olympic Peninsula.

• The Petals and Pathways 2024 family garden tour will feature six home gardens in Port Angeles on Saturday.

Attendees will also be able to visit Webster's Woods at the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center.

The annual fundraiser is hosted by the Master Gardener Foundation of Clallam County. Master gardeners will be on hand in each garden to answer questions.

Tickets can be purchased for $25 per person.

Tickets are available in Port Angeles at Port Book and News, 104 E. First St.; Swains General Store, 602 E. First St.; and Airport Garden Center, 2200 W. Edgewood Drive.

In Sequim, tickets are on sale at Over the Fence, 118 E. Washington St.; Sunny Farms Country Store, 261461 US Highway 101; and The Co-op Farm and Garden Store, 216 E. Washington St.

For more information, visit

• “Bohemian” is sold out for Sunday's matinee performance, but the Port Angeles Symphony is selling tickets for its 6:30 p.m. dress rehearsal tonight at Field Arts and Events Hall, 201 W. Front St., Port Angeles.

General admission tickets are $20 per person and can be purchased at or by calling 360-457-5579.

The cast includes Kristin Vogel as Mimì, Errin Duane Brooks as Rodolfo, Igor Vieira as Marcello, Jennifer Krikawa as Musetta, Mark Davies as Schaunard, Alex Adams as Colline and Craig Grayson as Benoît/Alcindoro.

Members of the Port Angeles Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Jonathan Pasternack, will perform the musical score.

The opera, sung in Italian with English supertitles, lasts approximately two hours plus a 30-minute intermission.

• An organ recital of Romantic Era music will be held Sunday at 3 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church, 609 Taylor St., Port Townsend.

The Romantic era includes Western classical music from the period from approximately 1815 to 1910 AD.

Trinity United Music Director Noah Smith will perform works by Mendelssohn, Brahms and Rheinberger.

Donations will benefit the American Guild of Organists Olympic Peninsula Scholarship, which funds private music lessons for people interested in learning the art of organ playing.

• Port Townsend Summer Orchestra will present “Wild West!” to 1 p.m. Sunday outdoors at Pope Marine Park, 530 Water St., Port Townsend.

The concert features music inspired by life in the Wild West, including gold miners, wolves and themes from the band's favorite westerns.

Percussionist John Galm will play “Log Cabin Blues” on the xylophone.

Participants are encouraged to bring a chair or blanket and a picnic basket; Cowboy boots and hats are also encouraged.

Upcoming performances include “Wings in Motion,” which features a dance performance by Mary Lou Sanelli and guests, July 28 at Chetzemoka Park, and “On Broadway” Aug. 25 at Pope Marine Park.

For more information, email [email protected] or visit

• Rick Estrin and the Nightcats will perform at 7:30 p.m. Friday at Palindrome at Eaglemount Winery and Cidery, 1893 S. Jacob Miller Road, Port Townsend.

Tickets cost between $30 and $45 at or $35 to $50 at the door.

The band is touring to promote their sixth album, “The Hits Keep Coming,” released in May.

• The summer reading program will host a reception for the opening of Eco Art in the Library from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. today.

The reception will be held at the Port Angeles Main Library, 2210 S. Peabody St., Port Angeles.

The exhibition will feature works by local artists inspired by environmental conservation, biodiversity, renewal and reuse.

Attendees will be able to meet the artists, view the exhibition and enjoy live music from True Reckoning.

• Jurassic Empire will be open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds, 3907 Landes St., Port Townsend.

The empire offers a variety of educational activities, including an indoor dinosaur exhibit, rides and other activities.

Participants can learn about the Jurassic period through the Pleistocene period (Ice Age) and about the dinosaurs and mammals that roamed the earth more than 200 million years ago.

Tickets are $12 per person and can be purchased at

• Comedy evening will return to Bourbon West, 125 W. Front St., Port Angeles, at 8 p.m. Saturday.

Host Carole Freeman will introduce comics Tony Daniel and Lynette Manning.

Tickets are $15 per person at or $20 at the door.

• Movies on OTA! will conclude with a showing of “Hamlet” at 7 p.m. Saturday at the Elaine and Robert Caldwell Main Theater at Olympic Theater Arts, 414 N. Sequim Ave., Sequim.

The Shakespearean drama, directed by and starring Kenneth Branagh, also stars Derek Jacobi, Julie Christie, Kate Winslet, Judi Dench, Gerard Depardiu, Billy Crystal, Robin Williams and Richard Attenborough.

The 1996 film is 4 hours and 2 minutes long and includes an intermission.

Doors will open at 6:15 p.m. for quizzes and prizes.

Tickets are $10 per person and are available by calling the box office at 360-683-7326 or online at www.

• Second Gayla, hosted by Social Norms, will take place from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday at the First United Methodist Church of Port Angeles, 110 E. Seventh St., Port Angeles.

The free annual alternative youth ball is aimed at young people aged 13 to 20.

The celebration of diversity and individuality is co-sponsored by the Port Angeles High School Rainbow Alliance Club.

Gayla features an open mic, karaoke, costume closet and for prom, refreshments, games, art activities, a DJ, photo booth and a quiet, low sensory space.

DJ requests or registrations for open mics and karaoke can be emailed to Abby Bohman at [email protected].

Attendees are encouraged to wear what makes them look fabulous, from ball gowns to cosplay.

• The Fulton Street Chamber Players will perform cello quintets by Franz Schubert and Alexander Glazunov at 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at Concerts in the Barn, 7360 Center Road, Quilcene.

In addition to the weekend performances, there will be a public rehearsal at 2 p.m. today.

Open rehearsals are new to the barn this year, allowing for a less formal performance as well as a weekday listening option.

The concerts are free, but participants must reserve their seats at www.

• Port Townsend Symphony Orchestra will present a chamber concert Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Wheeler Theater at Fort Worden State Park, 200 Battery Way, Port Townsend.

The concert, part of the symphony's Chamber Music series, is free but reservations at are required.

This concert features conductor and soloist Matthew Daline and soloist Kristin Smith.

• Carla Main and her friends will perform from 4:30 to 6:30 tonight at Vintage, 725 Water St., Port Townsend. No cover charge.

• George Radebaugh will perform from 5-7 p.m. tonight at the Old Alcohol Plant Inn, 310 Hadlock Bay Road, Port Hadlock. No cover charge.

• Stand-up comedy at open mic is on stage from 7-9 p.m. tonight at the Old Alcohol Plant Inn, 310 Hadlock Bay Road, Port Hadlock. No cover charge.

•Jack Dwyer will perform from 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday at the Spirits Bar and Grill at the Old Alcohol Plant Inn, 310 Hadlock Bay Road, Port Hadlock. No cover charge.

• Paul Rogers and Friends will perform from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Saturday at Vintage, 725 Water St., Port Townsend. No cover charge.

• An ice cream party and a car show is set for 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Sunday at Sequim Prairie Grange, 290 Macleay Road, Sequim.

Banana splits and sundaes are available for $7 each in the barn room.

Classic cars and trucks will be parked on the barn grounds.

Part of the profits will be donated to the Olympic Peninsula Academy.

• Detroit towards summer, a free, family-friendly summer celebration will be held at Sherwood Assisted Living, 550 W. Hendrickson Road, Sequim, from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday.

The celebration will include live music from the Buck Ellard Band, Strait Up Foam Fun, an adoption fair from the Olympic Peninsula Humane Society and a barbecue lunch for $5 per person.

For more information, call 360-683-3348.

• Let's dance! An adult pride ball will be hosted by GenX Dance Party from 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday at Studio Bob, 118½ E Front St., Port Angeles.

The 21+ dance party features DJ LastEye playing music from the 70s to the 2000s.

Tickets are $30 online at evening or $35 at the door.

• The “Ask a Master Gardener” plant clinic will be on the road from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday at the Bookmobile stop at the Quilcene Community Center, 294952 US Highway 101, Quilcene.

Jefferson County Master Gardeners will be available to answer questions about selecting suitable plants for the environment, composting, insect infestations and unknown plant-damaging pathogens.

Participants can bring a sample of an affected plant or bring plant or insect specimens for identification.

Plant problem samples should include both healthy and affected tissue; the cut end of the stem should be wrapped in a damp paper towel, and the cut plants should be stored in a cool, dark place to prevent wilting.

For plant identification, include photos or samples of the plant's leaves, branches and stems, a portion of the fruiting or flowering structure, and a representative portion of the stem or bark.

Identification is more likely when more plant structures can be examined.

For insect identification, bring an intact specimen in a small container shortly after capture; store it in a cool, dark place.

Master Gardeners will return to Quilcene with the Bookmobile on July 27 and August 24.

For more information, email Bridget Gregg at [email protected].

• The Social Justice Film and Discussion Series will celebrate Pride Month with a free screening of “1946: The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture” at 1 p.m. Sunday at First United Methodist Church of Port Angeles, 110 E. Seventh St., Port Angeles.

The 2022 documentary explores how theology, history, culture and politics led to poor Bible translation that created the anti-gay movement among Christians.

For more information, call the church at 360-452-8971.

•Gary Wessen will present “History Tales: The Origins of Marine Sailing” Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Black Diamond Community Hall, 1942 Black Diamond Road, Port Angeles.

Wessen will discuss direct and indirect evidence for early navigation and their implications for Washington's prehistory.

Wessen's presentation is part of the History Tales series sponsored by the Northern Olympic History Center.




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