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The Boys Star Valorie Curry on Anti-Trans, Homophobic Character

The Boys Star Valorie Curry on Anti-Trans, Homophobic Character


Valorie Curry has played many characters over the years that she had almost nothing in common with: a member of a murderous cult on the Fox series. What followsa paramedic who moonlights for the crowd at Amazon The tickcryptid researcher in 2016 Blair Witch sequel – but few have been as radically antithetical to Curry's personal beliefs as Firecracker.

Firecracker, the latest mutant to join Amazon's superhero satire The boys in its new fourth season, stirs up political discord, with extremist and often hateful views on everything from vaccines and CIA plots to the LGBTQIA community.

Curry, who identifies as a lesbian — she first came out as pansexual on Instagram in 2019, on National Coming Out Day — should have been rebuffed by Firecracker. But his reaction was quite the opposite. “It sounds so disgusting to say, but I really sympathized with her from the start,” Curry says. She's happy to play someone she personally finds abhorrent, who is “so anti-trans and homophobic,” Curry says, because “it should be someone in the community who should make her a clown.” There is therefore no ambiguity.

It is a testimony of The boys” creator Eric Kripke, whose work on the series Curry has admired for years. “The series satirizes a lot of what's going on culturally, whether it's #MeToo or the Republican Party” , she says. Curry admits that some of the conspiracies Firecracker repeated seemed too crazy to be taken seriously, but when she asked Kripke about a far-fetched line, “He was like, 'It's actually a direct quote' [from a politician]”Curry said.

New characters in the fourth season of The boys include Sister Sage, aka the smartest person in the world (played by Susan Heyward, left), and Curry as Firecracker, who has super strength and can generate a firework-like effect .

Jasper Savage/Prime Video

The actress also says THR she's a big fan of a veteran character's surprise bisexuality The boys this season: “I love casual bisexuality on TV, in books, when someone is dating one person and they're dating another and we don't even have to talk about it. It's just.”

Despite so much fodder for satire with her character, Curry says she hasn't overlooked Firecracker's humanity. “As an actor, our first job is not to judge our characters,” she says. Without giving away any spoilers, Curry suggests that “childhood trauma” largely explains Firecracker’s behavior: “Right or false, she’s someone who believes she’s been marginalized. »

Curry feels the opposite of being marginalized these days. She lives in upstate New York and is in a happy relationship with a woman who works outside of the industry. She's excited about Pride weekend in her city, but probably won't venture beyond her neighborhood to celebrate.

“There’s a big queer community here for such a small town,” she says. Although big events in cities like New York or West Hollywood are tempting, at 38, she considers herself “too old to find it fun,” she says with a laugh. “I would just worry about the traffic.”

This story first appeared in the June 19 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Click here to subscribe.




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