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West Hollywood Private Reserve Cannabis Lounge Offers a Sultry Club Vibe


West Hollywood is adding a fifth cannabis lounge today, June 21, 2024, this one is called Private reserve from Off The Charts, a chain of dispensaries in California, New Mexico and Ohio. Private Reserve is located on Santa Monica Boulevard near La Cienega Boulevard with one feature that sets it apart from its restaurant-oriented predecessors Cannabis Cafe, Artist Tree, PleasureMed and the Woods: Private Reserve serves smokable and drinkable cannabis which can be appreciated. on site and nothing else.

Although some establishments have legally served cannabis since 2019, cannabis lounges remain a relatively new form of hospitality in California. Private Reserve will operate as a cocktail bar, but instead of alcohol and food, it will focus on tobacco and canned psychoactive soft drinks.

Norman Yousif, CEO of Off The Charts, and lawyer Nima Haddadi are behind the operation and designed the show with simplicity in mind. The Private Reserves menu features 20 to 30 different varieties of dried cannabis flowers. Yousif says the half-gram servings are a better, less fuzzy option than the standard dispensary-sized eighth of a gram, a terrific amount for any individual.

We wanted something that focused on cannabis and not food, explains Haddadi. It's more like a high-end cocktail bar, a place where you'll just go for a drink, but you can try different strains and don't have to pay $20 to $40 for a gram or an eighth of weed.

This is the second Southern California show for Private Reserve, located in Palm Desert. The WeHo lounge is much larger than in Palm Springs, seating 85 people in six booths and another 25 at the horseshoe-shaped bar. There's also a stage for DJs and large plants hanging from the ceiling that spill down to the floor. With bright neon lights everywhere, Private Reserve exudes a dark, moody and laid-back vibe. Yousif believes his lounge sets itself apart from the cannabis lounge field by shifting the focus away from the food.

The cannabis will be offered in the form of joints or bongs, as well as drinks by the Californian cannabis beverage producer. Can. These drinks are similar to hard seltzers and contain a two-milligram serving of cannabis. They'll rotate different flavors seasonally, and the current list includes things like pineapple jalapeo, blood orange cardamom, and lemon lavender. Guests can also arrange a cannabis flight (similar to wine flights) to smoke. When visiting the private reserve, there is a time limit of 90 minutes. According to state law, cannabis cannot be sold after 10 p.m.but customers can pre-order and store their purchases in a secure locker for later pickup.

In February, Off The Charts was in the spotlight while SF door reported Yousif appearing to brag about saving money by not paying sellers, a problem endemic in the cannabis growing community. When asked for comment, Yousif responded via email with an apology, saying the video was taken out of context and that he was not a polished speaker and gave credit to his connections who remain strong and thriving.

When completed, West Hollywood will have a total of 16 cannabis lounges, a plan that city officials implemented in 2018.

Private Reserve is open Thursday through Saturday from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at 8448 Santa Monica Boulevard, West Hollywood, CA 90069. Hours will be expanded in the coming months. Reservations are required and are available at Open table.

A blue-hued cannabis lounge with a circular bar, tables, hanging plants and a neon sign reading Private Reserve in West Hollywood.

Private reserve.

A green-lit plant inside the Private Reserve cannabis lounge in West Hollywood.

Bar stools and a large hanging plant at the Private Reserve cannabis lounge in West Hollywood.


A cannabis lounge menu is reflected on a mirrored table surrounded by a brown banquette at Private Reserve in West Hollywood.


A simple room with a curved bar, two booths and a large plant hanging from the ceiling at Private Reserve in West Hollywood.

Lights on.




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