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Cardi B sports a sleek all-black look at the Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards

Cardi B sports a sleek all-black look at the Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards


Cardi B knows how to make a splash on the red carpet.

The 31-year-old rapper outdid herself in the style department when she arrived at the Hollywood Impact Awards on Friday, June 21, in a chic all-black look that oozed understated glamour.

Sporting an oversized black blazer with a hemline that skimmed her thighs over what appeared to be a black dress with a fitted top and floor-length sheer skirt, Cardi added sheer black gloves, strappy black heels, a stunning necklace of diamonds and several encrusted with diamonds. rings to complete her outfit.

(L-R) Cardi B and Keke Wyatt attend the 4th Annual Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards at the Beverly Hilton on June 21, 2024 in Beverly Hills, California.

Arnold Turner/Getty

The rapper is known for switching up her glam and the June 21 awards were no exception, as she opted for long, straight locks and sleek, lightly side-swept bangs. Keeping her makeup simple and effective, as was her outfit, Cardi wore dark red lipstick and a subtle smokey eye for the event.

After all, she loves coordinating every part of her glam. Makeup makes the outfit! she told PEOPLE in May to celebrate NYX Professional Makeup's 25th anniversary.

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Cardi B at Hollywood Unlocked's Fourth Annual Impact Awards held at the Beverly Hilton on June 21, 2024 in Beverly Hills, California.

Michael Buckner/Variety via Getty

Cardi B received the Inspiration Award at this year's ceremony, hosted by Tiffany Haddish at the Beverly Hilton.

Jonathan Majors, designer Christian Louboutin and rapper Fat Joe were also honored by the organization, which recognizes individuals for their work in the music, film, media, politics, society and creation. The Hollywood Reporter.

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Cardi B at the 2024 Met Gala.

Theo Wargo/GA/The Hollywood Reporter via Getty Images

The rapper recently hit the carpet in a particularly memorable look at the Met Gala on May 6.

Even though the mom and Grammy winner, styled by Kollin Carter, was undoubtedly one of the best-dressed stars of the night in her sprawling Sensen Lii gown, she still received backlash online for having blacked out the Chinese designer's name at the time (however, she quickly explained why the moment went viral on social media).

Wearing a show-stopping dress didn't stop her from taking another look at her Met Gala afterparty with Revolve and FWRD, either. She stripped down to a custom Revolve Atelier red corset dress, inspired by “corsetry and runway draping.” It's an outfit change that has to be seen to be believed.




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