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Queer actress Valorie Curry explains why she plays a homophobic character on The Boys

Queer actress Valorie Curry explains why she plays a homophobic character on The Boys


Valorie Curry as a firecracker in The Boys

Picture: Main video

Secrets revealed: The boys East a satire that lives to skewer the sorts of right-wing nightmares which are unfortunately part of our real world these days. The current fourth seasons election conspiracy has been very fertile for the series' signature sense of humor, with one new character in particular making a big impression: hateful podcaster Firecracker, played by Valorie Curry.

While The boys is full of over-the-top characters beyond the main cast, another good example is the Neo-Nazi Storm Frontintroduced in season two and played by Aya CashFirecracker is subversive on many levels. For one thing, the actor behind Firecracker is one of the things the conspiracy theory-obsessed character rails against: a member of the LGBTQIA community.

Talk to the hollywood reporter, Curry explained what attracted her to the role. This seems like such a disgusting thing to say, but I really connected with her from the start, despite Firecracker being so openly anti-trans and homophobic. Curry thought it should be someone in the community who made her a clown. There is therefore no ambiguity.

Image from article titled Queer actress Valorie Curry explains why she plays a homophobic character in The Boys

Picture: Main video

Plus, as an actor, our first job is not to judge our characters, Curry explained, and told fans The boys may soon learn more about what motivates the firecrackers' biased viewpoint. It goes back to her past, and now she's someone who believes she's been marginalized.

The boys season four is now streaming on Prime Video.

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