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Jonathan Majors receives Perseverance Award and thanks stars for their support

Jonathan Majors receives Perseverance Award and thanks stars for their support


“I think people want to know more about the last year,” Jonathan Majors began Friday at the Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards, where he received the Perseverance Award, before beginning a 17-minute tear-filled speech about her grand- publicized the misdemeanor domestic violence trial and conviction in April.

“As a black man in the criminal justice system, I have felt anger, sadness, hurt and surprise. When they took me out of my apartment in handcuffs, I didn't feel like that at all,” the actor said, pointing to the screen that had just shown a clip of his on-screen performances. “I didn't feel like that at all.” didn't feel like Jonathan Majors, Mr. Creed, Mr. Kang; I felt like a little scared and weak boy, despite the support and evidence that was in my favor, I knew it was bad. And it was bad because of who I was and what I am. This is what happens too often to black people.

The actor made the comments while being honored at the fourth annual Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards, hosted by Tiffany Haddish and held at the ballroom of the Beverly Hilton. Conceived by Jason Lee, media personality and founder of Hollywood Unlocked, the Impact Awards “were created to honor influencers, celebrities and icons who have made a lasting impact on culture.”

Specifically, Majors was singled out for his trophy as “an individual who has shown that no matter the adversity she faces, she will continue to aspire to inspire.” Majors was convicted of third-degree reckless assault and harassment — a misdemeanor and a violation — in December after an altercation with his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari. As a result of the high-profile case, he was sentenced in April to a 52-week in-person domestic violence intervention program.

Of “perseverance,” Majors said that “the God that I serve has put me in a position where I have had to embody that word more than I wanted or wanted. “We live in a world where men, black men in particular, are portrayed as superheroes or supervillains,” while noting that he realized he was neither one neither the other.

He also spoke for the first time about the stars who supported him privately, revealing “the midnight message from my brother Will Smith, letting my buddy know, 'Hey, I'm thinking about you man.' Tyler Perry breathed life into me, supporting and loving people the way he does. David Oyelowo and his whole discussion group — I think maybe some of you are on this thread, I'm not participating because it's crazy but I'm feeling the love. Deon and Rebecca Taylor, who gave me a production office while I was wandering around the desert feeling lost and crazy, put a battery in my back, as he puts it. Courtney B. Vance has been with me since Lovecraft Country, my uncle George forever. Whoopi Goldberg fed me and [girlfriend] Méagan [Good] one day we weren't hungry but we were hanging out there and she instilled this light of wisdom and understanding and care into me and my queen. It was Whoopi who helped us understand community support.

Majors took the time to shout out the women in his life, including his mother: “My mother gave birth to me on September 7, 1989, in Lompoc, California, on a military base and stood behind her son 34 years old. as she heard him say: “Guilty.” And when I turned back to her, she smiled at me and said, 'It's okay, son'” – and Good, who wiped away tears when the actor told him, “I'll love, I love you beyond all limits, with all my strength, with all my heart I love you.

He concluded by saying, “I receive this award not only as recognition of my perseverance, but also as a commandment to be there for others and help them when and if their trials arise. Perseverance rests on the shoulders of many people; I order myself to be the shoulders of our community, of my queen, of our industry, of our culture. And just for Ella, my little girl, everything will be fine, your father loves you. I love you all, thank you for that. Being in this room with these great artists, these great black artists, woo. There's no place like home.

Karen Clark Sheard, Jonathan Majors and Iyanla Vanzant.

Arnold Turner/Getty Images for Jason Lee/Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards

Iyanla Vanzant presented Majors with her award at the event, saying, “As a woman who spent nine years in an abusive marriage, I am both humbled and honored to present this award, the Perseverance Award , to my brother Jonathan Majors. »

She went on to say that God knows the hearts of Majors and that “he will continue to have mercy on you for the excellence you bring to mastering your craft, despite the opinions of human beings.” Persevere, my brother, for the mercy and grace of my friends are willing and strong enough to bring you to the other side of any undoing. Because God forgives,” Vanzant finished, to applause from the crowd. Majors cried in Vanzant's arms as he took the stage, and she stepped in to offer him a tissue several times throughout the speech.

After Vanzant paid her respects, she left the stage. It looked like Majors was going to accept his trophy next – he prepared by getting up from his chair and taking a few steps towards the stage – but then gospel singer Karen Clark Sheard appeared and performed a rendition of the gospel track ” Secret “. Place” while being supported by nine singers.

Tiffany Haddish, Sharon Stone, Jonathan Majors and Meagan Good attend the 4th Annual Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards at the Beverly Hilton on June 21, 2024.

Arnold Turner/Getty Images for Jason Lee/Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards

Although the 34-year-old has made a handful of public outings in recent months – often showing up at events with Good on his arm – Friday's awards ceremony marked his first speaking engagement. The appearance follows the news that Majors had been cast in his first film role following his conviction as he attempted to regain his footing in the industry. Amid the allegations and resulting lawsuit, Majors was replaced by Kang the Conqueror in the Marvel Cinematic Universe after appearing in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania And Loki.

The new project, Without thanks, comes from director Martin Villeneuve and producers Christopher Tuffin, Kevin Townsend and Kevin DeWalt. The story, written by Frank Hannah, follows a CIA interrogator who is forced to defeat a malevolent force that has invaded the woman he loves.

The project was first revealed by Deadline, which quoted Tuffin as saying: “In graduate school, I had the chance to study screenwriting with Blacklist scribe Millard Lampell and learned from him the dangers of letting politics undermine due process and deprive artists of their careers. I consider it an honor and a privilege to work with Jonathan, who is so talented, now that this case has come to trial.

The Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards program also honored Christian Louboutin, Cardi B, Fat Joe, U.S. Rep. Jasmine Crockett, civil rights and personal injury attorney Ben Crump and Da Brat with wife Jesseca Harris-Dupart. Sharon Stone, who introduced her longtime friend Louboutin, helped close the show when she received a surprise (and unannounced) icon award. Other guests included Floyd Mayweather, Babyface, Cam Newton, Evan Ross, Omarion, Marlo Hampton, Yvette Nicole Brown, Jill Marie Jones, Brandon T. Jackson, YK Osiris, Romeo Miller, Raven-Symoné and more. Previous Impact Award winners include Chlöe Bailey, Law Roach, Whoopi Goldberg, Tupac, Catherine Brewton, Kelis, Karen Bass and Lizzo. The show was recorded and will air exclusively on The Zeus Network.




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