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Actor Suriya opens up about alcohol-related deaths in Tamil Nadu: Successive governments encouraged alcohol consumption and only talked about banning during elections | Chennai News

Actor Suriya opens up about alcohol-related deaths in Tamil Nadu: Successive governments encouraged alcohol consumption and only talked about banning during elections |  Chennai News


With the death toll in Kallakurichi rattle incident turning 48 on Friday, actor Suriya accused successive Tamil Nadu governments of perpetuating alcohol addiction in the state and called for immediate implementation of long-term plans to avoid similar eventualities.

In a letter in Tamil posted on social media, the actor said the number of deaths in a single incident was unimaginable, even during cyclones, rains or floods, and the screams of those affected made gives me shivers.

How can we offer comfort through words to those who are grieving the loss of loved ones poisonous liquor? he wrote.

Stating that concern, worry and anger among political parties, the media and the public have intensified, the actor wrote that the swift actions of MP Stalin's government to minimize losses are some comfort, but that the usual short-term solution for a long-term problem is certainly not effective.

Hooch Kallakurichi tragedy, Hooch Tamil Nadu tragedy, Hooch Kallakurichi death, Hooch Tamil Nadu death, Tamil Nadu hooch, Tamil Nadu news, Indian Express Funeral preparations in Kallakurichi. PTI

Referring to a similar incident last year in Viluppuram district, where 22 people died after consuming toxic liquor containing methanol, the actor said that despite the government's assurances of taking strict action, people always died for the same cause.

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It is deeply saddening that no change has happened so far, said the actor, known for his outspoken views on social issues and who has often criticized government policies.

Laying the blame at the government's door, Suriya wrote: For over two decades, the people of Tamil Nadu have watched successive governments, which they believed would improve their lives, continue to encourage the population to drink through through TASMACs (government-run retail alcohol outlets). ). The policy of prohibition ends up being nothing more than a simple topic of discussion during elections for all political parties.

Urging the Stalinist government to immediately implement long-term plans for the rehabilitation of alcoholics, similar to its efforts in promoting education of students, Suriya said he hoped the chief minister would make decisions in the public interest regarding the ban policy.

hooch Former union minister Anbumani Ramadoss talks to doctors at a government hospital where people who consumed fake alcohol are treated, in Kallakurichi district, Friday, June 21, 2024. At least 47 people died in due to the consumption of fake alcohol and the condition of 30 others is critical, according to officials. (PTI Photo)

The government must immediately end the violence it has perpetuated against its own people by encouraging alcohol consumption for many years. Rehabilitation centers should be established in every district to save alcoholics and help them recover from their addiction. Only if the government and political parties act with a long-term vision can such tragic deaths be avoided in the future, he added.

The actor and his wife, Jyothika, run the Agaram Foundation, which aims to provide quality education to underprivileged children.

Following the deaths of three medical aspirants in Tamil Nadu in 2020, he publicly condemned the National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET), arguing that it was discriminatory and detrimental to students from rural backgrounds.




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