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Jonathan Majors thanks Meagan Good by accepting the Perseverance Award

Jonathan Majors thanks Meagan Good by accepting the Perseverance Award


Jonathan Majors was surrounded by supporters Friday as he accepted his first award since he was convicted of assault and harassment in December.

THE Creed III The actor thanked God and Hollywood Unlocked founder Jason Lee while accepting the Perseverance Award at the 4th Annual Impact Awards in Los Angeles, while reflecting on his arrest and guilty verdict in his speech.

“I think people want to know that last year,” Majors said in a statement. vsIIP adress shared on X. “As a black man in the criminal justice system, I have felt anger, sadness, pain, surprise. When they took me out of my apartment in handcuffs, I didn't feel like that at all. I didn't feel like Jonathan Majors, Mr. Creed, Mr. Kang. …I felt like a boy who was a little scared and weak.

He continued: “Despite the support and evidence that was in my favor, I knew it was wrong. And it was bad because of who I was and what I am. And this is what happens too often to black people. Guilt and innocence often have little to do with the outcome. This is the harsh reality I learned. But I know black men face this every day. It profoundly impacts us and changes the way we navigate the world.

Majors immediately broke down in tears when Iyanla Vanzant presented him with the award, greeting him with a kiss on the forehead and a hug.

Jonathan Majors and Meagan Good attend Hollywood Unlocked's 4th Annual Impact Awards on June 21, 2024 in Beverly Hills. (Arnold Turner/Getty Images for Jason Lee/Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards)

The MCU star admitted, “I’m just me. …I am imperfect. I have faults, I recognize them. I love my job. I love my daughter, my family, my dog, my training buddies who came here. I appreciate you all. I'm just that guy whose faith was tested and strengthened by this testimony.

“There will be times in your life when things get dark, and I mean very dark. And I saw them deeply, I saw this darkness in me. I sat in that pitch black and what I learned was that when you see a light, you run as hard and as fast as you can towards it. And I will never take this light for granted again.

He then thanked those who have been his “light” and shown their support, including “my brother Will Smith, who let a buddy know, 'Hey, I'm thinking of you man.' Staying up.' Tyler Perry breathed life into me, supporting and loving people the way he does. David Oyelowo and his whole group on Threads – I think some of you may be on this thread, I won't participate because it's crazy – but I feel the love. Deon and Roxanne Taylor offered me a desk in their production office while I was walking through the desert feeling lost and crazy. [They] put a battery behind my back, like he says. Courtney B. Vance has been with me since Lovecraft Country, my uncle George forever. Whoopi Goldberg fed me and Meagan one day – we weren't hungry, but we were hanging out there – and she instilled this light of wisdom and understanding and care into me and my queen.

“And it was Whoopi who allowed us to understand the support of the community. I appreciate you all. They are extraordinary people,” Majors added.

Majors then thanked “all the women in my family,” but not before breaking down in tears again while thanking Good, who attended the event with him.


“I love you beyond all limits, with all my strength, with all my heart, I love you,” he said. “I don't need to be so hard and strong when you've carried me so many nights. I love you.”

THE The harder they fall The actor sang the chorus of Chaka Khan's “Through the Fire” as the crowd laughed.

“And just for Ella, my little girl, everything will be fine. And your dad loves you,” Majors added. “I love you and thank you for that.”

After Majors was convicted of two misdemeanor counts of reckless assault and harassment in his domestic violence case with ex Grace Jabbari, he was sentenced to probation and to participate in a drug treatment program. 'one year against domestic violence.

Despite being fired from several projects and dropped by his talent management company, Majors landed his first role since the trial, Martin Villeneuve's Merciless.




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