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Sai Ketan Rao and Sana Makbul fight massively over food; Imlie actor asks Shivani Kumari to stay out of it [WATCH]

Sai Ketan Rao and Sana Makbul fight massively over food;  Imlie actor asks Shivani Kumari to stay out of it [WATCH]


After two successful seasons, Bigg Boss OTT is back with the third opus. The first season was hosted by Karan Johar and the second by Salman Khan. For Bigg Boss OTT 3, the makers roped in Anil Kapoor to be the host of the show. It is now live on JioCinema. Bigg Boss OTT 3 has some of the well-known faces of the television and digital industry. Star of Imlie Sai Ketan Rao, actress That's rightBollywood actor Ranvir Shorey and many others are part of Bigg Boss OTT 3. From the first day, fights started taking over the house. Also Read – Bigg Boss OTT 3: Maxtern comments on fans comparing Shivani Kumari to Manisha Rani; call him gawaar

For all the latest TV news and entertainment news updates, follow BollywoodLife on WhatsApp. Also Read – Bigg Boss OTT 3: Chandrika Dixit aka Vada Pav Girl REPLACES Maxtern aka Sagar Thakur in Anil Kapoor's reality show?

In the new live clips, we see Sai Ketan Rao and Sana Makbul getting into a massive fight. It's all about food. Sai Ketan Rao, who became immensely famous for his role in Imlie, discusses with Sana Makbul that he will eat eggs every day and some vegetables. She seems to have a problem with that. He also adds that he will eat more than two eggs, because just two eggs will not fill his stomach. He goes on to say that Sana is not Bigg Boss and he will not play by its rules. Sana maintains that if she had been Bigg Boss, she would not be in front of him. Sana Makbul also argues that it is unfair to vegetarians because he also wants to eat eggs and even vegetables. She says he eats three meals a day. Shivani Kumari tries to intervene but Sai Ketan Rao asks her not to do so. He says he is talking to Sana and she doesn't need to get involved. Sai Ketan Rao also accuses Sana of playing with his mind. Also Read – Bigg Boss OTT 3: Did rapper Naezy slap Love Kataria? Here's what didn't work

After the fight, Sai Ketan Rao also broke down in tears remembering his difficult days. He revealed: “I lost everything during Covid, found myself without money or opportunities. It felt like my world had collapsed without hope. Still, I continued to audition and was chosen over celebrities for a role. It was a truly memorable moment.”

Check out the fight between Sai Ketan Rao and Sana Makbul.

Well, this is just the beginning. Even Ranvir Shorey had a slight argument with Luv Kataria over his behavior and lack of respect. It looks like the final season of Bigg Boss OTT will be full of fights.

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