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Bollywood Newswrap, June 22: Sonakshi Sinha-Zaheer Iqbal prepares for marriage; audio recovered in Salman Khan firing case

Bollywood Newswrap, June 22: Sonakshi Sinha-Zaheer Iqbal prepares for marriage;  audio recovered in Salman Khan firing case


Trigger warning: This article contains mentions of shooting.

Like any other day, June 22 was also filled with lots of news from B-town. As preparations are in full swing ahead of Sonakshi Sinha's wedding to Zaheer Iqbal, a new update on Salman Khan's dismissal case in Mumbai has surfaced online.

Dad-to-be Ranveer Singh also gushed over his pregnant wife Deepika Padukone. If you missed all this big Bollywood news, here's a quick recap!

Here are the top 5 Bollywood news for June 22, 2024:

1. Sonakshi Sinha-Zaheer Iqbal makes an appearance before their wedding

Returning from their bachelor party, Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal have started planning for their wedding, which will take place in Mumbai on June 23. Ahead of their big day, the couple were spotted out and about.

While the Double XL actress was busy attending her Mehendi and other pre-wedding functions, the Notebook actor was busy running some last minute errands with his acquaintances. Sona also gave a glimpse of her bridal glow and minimal henna design.

2. Audio recovered in Salman Khan firing case

On April 14, 2024, two men opened fire outside Salman Khan's Galaxy apartment in Bandra, Mumbai. A new update in this case suggests that the audio recording found in the possession of the arrested suspects is that of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi's brother Anmol Bishnoi.


An ANI report revealed that the audio matches the samples withheld by the investigating agency. Earlier, Bishnoi had taken responsibility for the shooting outside the 3-star Tigre residence.

3. Ranveer Singh gets excited about Deepika Padukone's new photos

Deepika Padukone recently made a public appearance and flaunted her baby bump in a black bodycon dress. Before the event, she posted adorable pictures on her social media. Some time ago, her husband, actor Ranveer Singh, took to her Instagram stories and showered his love on his pregnant wife.

The Gunday actor posted a video with several images of the Fighter actress looking stunning in her look. He used KOAD's I Had the Biggest Crush in the background to perfectly express his emotions and added a cute emoji.

4. Priyanka Chopra releases a music video of her daughter Malti Marie and her mother Madhu Chopra

Priyanka Chopra is currently filming her next Hollywood project, The Bluff. However, that didn't stop her from spending quality time with her daughter, Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. Earlier today, the global sensation was featured in an adorable music video featuring her daughter and mother Madhu Chopra.

She captioned the video: My angel baby, my best friend, my godson, my brother from another mother and my current mother. There's nothing like family and friends to recharge your batteries. I miss you gaga @nickjonas. I can't wait for you to be here.

5. Sara Ali Khan opens up about Anant-Radhika's pre-wedding in Jamnagar

Sara Ali Khan was among the many national and international celebrities who attended Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's pre-wedding celebrations in Jamnagar earlier this year. Sharing details about the three-day grand event, the Kedarnath actress joked that the guests were given gold with rotis and ate it.

She added that it was a very pleasant, charming, warm and hospitable event. For the unknown, Sara went to school with Anant and watched Radhika grow up. She also praised the Ambanis for their warmth and welcome.

READ ALSO : Sonakshi Sinha-Zaheer Iqbal Wedding: Manisha Koirala Sends Gifts to Her Heeramandi Co-Star Ahead of the Big Day




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