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Ben Stiller on the Israel-Hamas war, the Palestinian state and anti-Semitism

Ben Stiller on the Israel-Hamas war, the Palestinian state and anti-Semitism


Jewish actor Ben Stiller, in an opinion piece published by Time magazine, wrote about his perceptions of the need to take a nuanced stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the global rise in anti-Semitism, and his desire for a Palestinian state.

Stiller explained that he felt compelled to speak out as a public advocate for refugees – and expressed reservations about not commenting earlier.

“How do you express complicated and very real feelings in this scary world of social media, where it seems like any feeling opens you up to online vitriol from one side or the other?” asked Stiller. “The issues we face are so nuanced and complex that short statements can in no way fully express what I want to say from my heart. »

Ben Stiller on the Israel-Hamas war

“Like so many Jews,” Stiller writes, he “weeps[s] for those who suffered during the barbaric Hamas attack on October 7 and for those who suffered because of these atrocities.

Hamas attacks on southern Israel have resulted in the killing of more than 1,200 people and the kidnapping of more than 250 others.

A view of an Israeli flag and other property inside a burned-out house that was abandoned for two months after the deadly October 7 attack by gunmen from the Palestinian militant group Hamas from the Gaza Strip , in Kibbutz Beeri, southern Israel, December 7, 2023. (credit: ATHIT PERAWONGMETHA / REUTERS)

“My heart aches for the families who lost loved ones to this heinous terrorist act and for those who impatiently await these long months for the return of the hostages still in captivity,” he wrote. He did not comment on Israeli communities still subject to daily rocket fire from Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups that form the Iran-backed “Axis of Resistance.”

Although Stiller wrote that he mourned the people of Israel, he also claimed that he “also mourned[s] for the innocent people of Gaza who lost their lives in this conflict and for those who suffer today from this terrible reality.

Defending Israel's need to eradicate Hamas, one of Israel's stated goals in the Gaza war, the Jewish actor wrote: “I hate war, but what Hamas did was unacceptable and reprehensible . The hostages must be freed. Terrorism must be denounced and fought by all people of conscience on the planet. There is no excuse for this, regardless of the circumstances.

“I stand with the Israeli people and their right to live in peace and security,” he wrote.

Although he defended Israel's motives in the war, Stiller explained that he did not support every decision on how the war was fought.

Speaking about the impact of the war on Palestinian civilians, which has repeatedly been called a “humanitarian crisis” by the United Nations and many world leaders, Stiller wrote: “I want the violence to end and that the innocent Palestinian people affected by this war stop. the resulting humanitarian crisis to receive the life-saving assistance they need. And I know that many in Israel share this sentiment. »

Stiller's solution to the conflict

STILLER has STRONGLY advocated for a two-state solution, which would see the creation of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel.

“I believe, like many people in Israel and around the world, in the need for a two-state solution, one that ensures that the Israeli people can live in peace and security alongside a homeland for the people Palestinian which offers him the same advantages. advantages,” he wrote.

As Western countries have repeatedly begun to recognize Palestinian statehood and call for the establishment of a two-state solution to the conflict, concerns have been raised about whether the Palestinians would accept such a solution .

The Palestinian Center for Policy Research and Survey found that in December the percentage of Palestinians supporting two states stood at just 35 percent. This percentage rose to 62% in March as the war in Gaza continued.

Working in advocacy

Stiller is a descendant of refugees, which contributes to his desire to be involved in humanitarian issues. He wrote about how his paternal grandmother came to the United States as a Polish refugee during the Holocaust and how his maternal grandparents emigrated from Ireland to New York in search of a better life.

Stiller noted that he worked alongside the UN to visit “refugees and people affected by war and violence in Lebanon, Guatemala, Jordan, Poland and Ukraine.”

His extensive work on behalf of refugees included defending their interests “at the United Nations and before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, imploring the [US] government not to turn its eyes away from this global humanitarian crisis.

Anti-Semitism is increasing around the world

Stiller denounced anti-Semitism, which increased globally after the Hamas attacks and the start of the war. Reflecting on the situation, he wrote that he saw “a troubling conflation between criticism of the actions of the Israeli government and denunciations of all Israelis and the Jewish people.” As a result, we are witnessing an undeniable rise in anti-Semitism on a global scale. I see it myself, in the streets of the city where I grew up. This is not right and we must denounce it.

“Anti-Semitism must be condemned whenever and wherever it occurs. The same goes for Islamophobia and intolerance of all kinds. There is a frightening amnesia of history in the air. We must remember that we can only manifest a more hopeful, more just and more peaceful future by learning from the past.

He concluded his article by writing that the war against Hamas “must end” and “human suffering must end.” We must demand this of our leaders. Peace is the only way.




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