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Bollywood formerly Golden Girls takes a nostalgic trip to Kashmir

Bollywood formerly Golden Girls takes a nostalgic trip to Kashmir


SRINAGAR: In a heartwarming turn of events, three legendary Bollywood actresses, Asha Parekh, Helen and Waheeda Rehman, are enjoying a well-deserved vacation in the beautiful city of Srinagar. Known for their iconic roles in the golden age of Bollywood, the trio often fictionalized the meadows and settings of Kashmir in their films. Today, they return to the region not for work, but to savor the beauty that they had little time to enjoy during their busy careers.

Asha Parekh, Helen and Waheeda Rehman on a houseboat in Kashmir. On the far left and right are their relatives

Veteran actress Asha Parekh took to Instagram to share a glimpse of their idyllic retreat. In one photo, the trio is seen enjoying a sumptuous meal in a garden. Captioned With my dear friends #Helenji & #Waheedaji in Srinagar, Parekh dazzles in a pink outfit, while Helen dons a bottle green kurta with a white dupatta and Rehman sports a chic graphic print shirt.

This picturesque vacation spot, known for its fascinating landscapes, has inspired many people, and Parekhs' articles are no exception.

The golden trio sparked a wave of nostalgia among fans, especially after a photo of them on a houseboat went viral. Parekh shared the photo, showing them against the backdrop of ornately carved wooden interiors, complete with a regal chandelier. The caption read: Enjoying the houseboat in Srinagar, along with hashtags like #FriendsForEver and #MakingMemories.

Tales from Kashmir from Bollywood

Fans flooded Parekhs comments section with admiration. Exclaimed a user, Triveni Sangam. 3 unrivaled and unprecedented dance queens from the 60s and 70s have come together. What a fantastic moment! Another commented, Queens of vintage!! A third shared: Seeing you all together relaxes my heart. I wish the time comes again when you go to Kashmir to film.

In another snap, the trio had lunch at the Lalit Grand Palace, exuding an air of royalty. The post was captioned, With my dear friends #Helenji and #Waheedaji in Srinagar, and elicited comments reminiscent of other Bollywood legends like Sadhana, Nanda and Shammi Aunty.

The enduring friendship between Parekh, Rehman and Helen is well known in the industry, a rare and treasured bond in Bollywood. Their recent escapades have brought back fond memories of their illustrious careers and timeless camaraderie.

Asha Parekh's first Bollywood debut with the 1952 film Maa, directed by Bimal Roy, paved the way for a successful career. Helen, who continues to inspire even at 85, recently shared a video of her Pilates routine. I feel so energetic, so alive, so happy, she expressed, emphasizing the benefits of her fitness program.

This holiday is not just a trip down memory lane, but a celebration of enduring legacies and unbreakable bonds. The trio's legendary moments of joy in Srinagar are a testament to their timeless charm and the power of friendship.




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