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Kate Middleton's actor said she was too fat to play the princess in The Crown

Kate Middleton's actor said she was too fat to play the princess in The Crown


Meg Bellamy, who played Kate Middleton inThe crownrecalls online trolls telling her she was too fat for the role.

The actor, 21, landed the high-profile role in the sixth and final season of the Netflix drama, which depicts a meeting of young William and Kate at the University of St Andrews in Scotland and their subsequent courtship.

Bellamy played the young Princess of Wales opposite Ed McVey's Prince William and Luther Ford's Prince Harry. For all three actors, this was their first major on-screen role.

In an interview with the Mail on Sunday You reviewBellamy remembers finding out all these negative things about her body on the internet after she was cast as the princess.

The comments were mostly: “You’re too fat to play Kate,” she said.

Bellamy said her online experience with trolls gave her insight into being a woman in this industry.

I said to myself, 'OK, this is a sign to distance yourself, because it doesn't mean anything,'” she said. You can't listen to this stuff. Particularly because most of the text is written by internet trolls, or by men called Gary who hold a fish in their profile picture.

Although she faced trolls online, the actress looks back fondly on her time on the show, adding that so many incredible things happened to her.

Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton (Netflix/Getty Images)

She said about trolls: They are losers for saying that. I'm living my best life here.

That said, Bellamy said she has tried to leave the character behind since filming the series ended.

Elsewhere in the interview, she spoke briefly about the royal family's cancer diagnosis, saying: I feel so much for her and for the family.

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Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton (Malcolm Clarke/Shutterstock/Justin Downing/Netflix)

The Princess of Wales announced in a video message last March that she was undergoing treatment for cancer following her diagnosis.

The crown remains one of Netflix's biggest hits, with the first season starring Claire Foy and Matt Smith as Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, respectively, earning rave reviews from critics and fans alike. .

However, as the series continued, it attracted controversy over its historical accuracy and for covering events such as the death of Princess Diana (played by Elizabeth Debicki).

Defending itself against criticism, Netflix previously said the series had always been presented as a drama based on historical events.

The series ended in December last year, with its final season. All six seasons are now available on Netflix.




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