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Inside Out 2 Box Office Soars to Record $100 Million in Second Weekend

Inside Out 2 Box Office Soars to Record $100 Million in Second Weekend


Happy? Ecstatic? Enthusiasm ? Make your choice.

Pixar Inside Out 2 is on fire at the global box office, where it grossed a record $100 million domestically and $164.4 million overseas in its second weekend to finish Sunday with 724.4 million dollars in ticket sales, becoming the highest-grossing film of the year after surpassing Dune: part two ($711 million).

The animated tentpole – about the emotions of a 13-year-old girl – is one of a handful of elite films that grossed $90 million or more in their second weekend at the box office. national office. Inside Out 2 enjoyed the largest sophomore release of any animated film domestically and the seventh-largest release of any film behind such giants as the installments of Avengers, Star Wars And Jurassic world series. He even earned more than barbiewhich grossed $93 million in its second release.

Inside Out 2's total was $355.2 in North America, where it fell just 35 percent, the best take of any film in history reaching $150 million or more. At 40 percent, Star Wars: The Force Awakens previously held this distinction. Overseas, Inside Out 2 has raised $369.4 million and still has major markets to open. It dropped just 22 percent in its second weekend and recorded the industry's second-largest opening of all time, both in Brazil and Spain.

The film marks a major comeback for Pixar and is almost guaranteed to become the first title since barbie to join the billion dollar club at the global box office.

Thanks to Inside Out 2 and also that of Sony Bad Boys: Ride or Die, starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, the box office rebounded for the first time this year after a dramatic downturn. Overall domestic revenue increased for the first time from last year for two consecutive weekends.

Bad Boys 4 easily remained at No. 2 in North America with an estimated $18.8 million in its third weekend, for a domestic total of nearly $150 million through Sunday, or $146.9 millions of dollars. It fell only 44 percent.

Among the new offerings, Focus Features and New Regency's Bikers opened in third place with $10 million, at the high end of expectations. Directed by Jeff Nichols, the film follows the rise and fall of a motorcycle gang in the 1960s and stars Austin Butler, Jodie Comer and Tom Hardy. The Focus marketing team has succeeded in making men age, particularly in the center of the country.

With Russell Crowe The exorcism also opened nationally, but failed to generate much business. From Miramax, the film opened with an estimated $2.4 million, one of the worst wide releases of Crowe's career. The film, which received a D CinemaScore, stars Crowe as an actor who begins behaving irrationally on the set of his latest horror film, prompting his daughter to investigate whether something more sinister is brewing. Vertical is distribution and marketing Exorcism on a national level.

The specialty box office also made headlines.

Yorgos Lanthimos' latest film, Kinds of Kindness, open in five locations in New York and Los Angeles. The film, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, stars Jesse Plemons, Emma Stone, Willem Dafoe, Margaret Qualley, Joe Alwyn, Hong Chau and Mamoudou Athie. Kinds of Kindness brought in a per-theater average of $70,000, the best average of the year to date for a limited release.

Filmmaker Josh Margolin Thélma also opened, but chose to go further. The specialty picture grossed $2.2 million. Magnolia picked up North American rights to the June Squibb comedy at this year's Sundance Film Festival. Squibb stars alongside Fred Hechinger and the late Richard Roundtree.

More soon.




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