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Hollywood Unlocked Founder and CEO Jason Lee transcends cancel culture by recognizing role models who have made a significant impact at the 4th Annual Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards.

Hollywood Unlocked Founder and CEO Jason Lee transcends cancel culture by recognizing role models who have made a significant impact at the 4th Annual Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards.


Hollywood Unlocked, under the dynamic leadership of its CEO and founder Jason Lee, hosted the 4th Annual Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, an evening dedicated to recognizing role models, celebrities and icons who have had a significant impact on culture.

The event was filled with unforgettable moments, honoring luminaries such as Cardi B, Jonathan Majors, Fat Joe, Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett, Christian Louboutin, Da Brat, Ben Crump and Sharon Stone. The evening was graced by many celebrities, including Evan Ross, Omarion, GASHI, Floyd Mayweather, Trina, Meagan Good, Babyface, Eric Bellinger, Yvette Nicole Brown, Claudia Jordan, Lemuel Plummer, Bobby LytesAnd Britney Elena.

Emmy Award-winning comedian and actor Tiffany Haddish returned as host for the third year in a row, delighting audiences with her signature comedic talent. Fat Joe received the Culture Award, presented by the Carolina Panthers quarterback. Cam Newton, who humorously remarked: “He had more success with hats than I did.” And believe me, I have a lot. Da Brat and his wife Jessica Harris-Dupart received the Spirit Award, presented by a Disney Channel alum. Raven-Symon. Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett received the Social Impact Award from the reality TV star. Marlo Hampton. Crockett expressed her gratitude for being recognized for her dedication to representing her constituents, saying: When people say you're going to represent them, you really should do your best to make sure you represent them. I'm grateful to be recognized for simply doing my job. Civil rights attorney Ben Crump received the community award from Jasmine Crockett, who called him a mentor. In an endearing moment, six-year-old Malcolm Bell, Jason Lees' “official” campaign manager for his Stockton political campaign, took to the stage to encourage everyone to vote.

BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA – JUNE 21: (LR) Tiffany Haddish, Sharon Stone, Jonathan Majors and Meagan Good attend the 4th Annual Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards at the Beverly Hilton on June 21, 2024 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Arnold Turner/Getty Images for Jason Lee/Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards)

Jonathan Majors received the Perseverance Award, presented by a renowned spiritual teacher. Iyanla Vanzant. Grammy Award-winning gospel artist Karen Clark Sheard, accompanied by a choir, delivered an uplifting gospel performance to show his support for the Majors before taking the stage to receive his award; Moved to tears, Majors delivered a powerful speech about the criminal justice system and the struggles it has faced. He said: “When I was taken away in handcuffs, I didn't feel like the Jonathan Majors I knew, the Yale graduate, the actor from Creed or Kang. I felt like a helpless little black man. Despite the support and evidence in my favor, I knew I was in serious trouble simply because of who I am. He went on to emphasize the importance of perseverance and the personal darkness he had to overcome by thanking actress and girlfriend Meagan Good for her unwavering support.

BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA – JUNE 21: (LR) Iyanla Vanzant, Cardi B, Christian Louboutin and Jason Lee, founder of Hollywood Unlocked attend the 4th Annual Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards at the Beverly Hilton on June 21, 2024 in Beverly Hills, California . (Photo by Arnold Turner/Getty Images for Jason Lee/Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards)

The honors continued as Cardi B received the Inspiration Award from Jason Lee. In her heartfelt acceptance speech, she highlighted the unique challenges faced by female rappers, saying, “Female rappers have it worse than some pop stars. We have to be perfect all the time and I struggle with being my own worst critic. Iconic shoe designer Christian Louboutin received the Innovator Award from Hollywood legend Sharon Stone. She hailed Louboutin as a visionary, noting: “Tonight we pay homage to a true visionary, these soles are the Rolls Royce of stiletto heels.” In a surprise twist, Sharon Stone was also honored, receiving the Icon Award from Tiffany Haddish. Stone reflected on his career and the choice to use his fame for positive change, saying: Early in my career, I made the choice to use the fame I gained to bring about positive change in this world. I am honored to have been recognized here today in a room so full of love. Keke Wyatt closed the evening with a captivating performance of “If Only You Knew” by Patti LaBelle.

The 2024 Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards were an unforgettable evening, celebrating the achievements and contributions of people who have significantly shaped our culture. Jason Lee and Hollywood Unlocked continue to inspire and influence, moving beyond “cancel culture” to recognize resilience, innovation, and positive social impact.




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