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Sonakshi Sinha Wedding Saree: Sonakshi Sinha Ditches Bollywood Trends on Wedding Day; Is it high time to bring back the Indian gaze on Suhagan?

Sonakshi Sinha Wedding Saree: Sonakshi Sinha Ditches Bollywood Trends on Wedding Day;  Is it high time to bring back the Indian gaze on Suhagan?


Sonakshi Sinha brought back the traditional suhagan look

Sonakshi Sinha brought back the traditional suhagan look

Fans of big Indian weddings, today is your lucky day! In a sea of ​​ivory, pink and off-white, Sonakshi is officially a red bride. While the actress may have forgone a traditional Hindu ceremony, she certainly lived up to it at her reception.

For the uninformed, Sonakshi Sinha married her longtime boyfriend Zaheer Iqbal in an intimate ceremony at home. Considering the duo had opted for an interfaith wedding, they signed the official papers at home before stepping out for a star-studded reception.

For signing the documents, Sonakshi took a nostalgic route, choosing her mother's wedding sari and jewelry for an extra stroke of luck. Her husband Zaheer was dressed in a matching kurta for his big day.

However, it was Sonakshi's reception look that had the internet swooning!

Judging from the reception venue which turned out to be Shilpa Shetty's Bastian restaurant, many rightly assumed that the dress code would be glitzy and fun. But it seems Sonakshi wasn't ready to give up on her vision, regardless of venue.

Sonakshi walked the red carpet of her reception wearing a traditional red Banarasi saree, chunky jewelry and a bright red sindoor. A vision in her 'Suhagan' avatar, Sonakshi proved once and for all that Bollywood trends may come and go, but red on weddings is simply forever.

To refresh your memory, Bollywood has been getting married in recent years, including Kiara Advani And Alia Bhatt opted for a more modern approach to their wedding and reception looks. While Kiara's bridal lehenga was an ombre pink, Alia Bhatt wore a cream Sabyasachi saree on her big day. Even Parineeti Chopra went with an ivory Manish Malhotra lehenga to get married.

Cut to their reception look, while Alia Bhatt was dressed in a mini dress, Kiara Advani wore a bodycon dress with emerald jewelry for the glitzy evening. There is no doubt that the divas looked as stunning as ever, but if the internet is to be believed, they definitely lacked the 'suhagan' factor in their looks.

With traditional desi brides for their 'big Indian weddings' always dressed to the nines with red ensembles and heavy jewelry, the growing interest in minimalist wedding looks was a tough pill to swallow for many. But trends being cyclical, it is well known that in a few years red would undoubtedly make a big comeback everywhere. It's safe to say we'd be looking forward to it the most.

Until then, let us know how much you love the striking look of Sonakshi Sinha's Banarasi saree at the reception!




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