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Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal are officially wife and husband

Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal are officially wife and husband


Mumbai: Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal are officially husband and wife, now that they have completed all the legal formalities related to a civil marriage.

The wedding, which was formalized at Sonakshi's sprawling 26-storey sea-facing apartment in Bandra West, was attended by friends and relatives from both sides, including her parents – Bollywood veteran and newly-elected Lok Sabha MP of Asansol, Shatrughan Sinha, and his wife, Poonam – and his close friend as well as “Double XL” co-star Huma Qureshi.

The newlyweds released their first photos as husband and wife immediately after their intimate wedding. On social media, the lovebirds revealed the first glimpses of their wedding look.

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Sonakshi can be seen wearing an ivory and golden saree. She opted for minimal makeup and accessorized with a kundan choker necklace, earrings and matching bangles.

Her hair is tied in a neat bun with gajra on it. She has little mehendi on her hands.

Zaheer, on the other hand, looked dapper in a white sherwani.

In the photos, Zaheer is seen kissing Sonakshi's hand, while she is smiling from ear to ear.

Another photo shows Shatrughan Sinha holding his daughter's hand as she signs the marriage papers.

The caption of the post reads: “Just today, seven years ago (06/23/2017), in each other's eyes we saw love in its purest form and decided to hold on to it. Today, that love has guided us through all the challenges and triumphs that have led to this moment with the blessing of our two families and our two gods.

It ended with: “We are now husband and wife. Here it is about loving, hoping and all things beautiful with each other, from today until forever.

After their wedding, the newlyweds sent candy to the paparazzi stationed outside with a heartfelt message that read: “Thank you for showering us with so much love, happiness and kindness on the most important day of our life ! Your support and wishes matter to us. Lots of love, Sonakshi and Zaheer.

Once the legal formalities of civil marriage were completed, public attention shifted to the reception venue, Bastian, the modernist Asian-inspired restaurant located on Linking Road in Mumbai.

Among the first to arrive at the restaurant were Aditi Rao Hydari (“Bibbojaan”), Sonakshi’s co-star in “Heeramandi,” and her fiancé (and South Indian star) Siddharth.

Zaheer's co-star in 'Ruslaan', Salman Khan's brother-in-law Aayush Sharma, who played Cupid to the newlyweds, was also among the first to arrive.

Manisha Koirala, the 'Heeramandi' diva, sent flowers to convey her best wishes as she could not attend the wedding due to prior commitments.

For the Sunday evening party, the theme is black and red, and a team of decorators working at Bastian arranged a row of red flowers and rolled out the red carpet.

DJ Ganesh, known for his eclectic music selection, will perform live at the reception.

The rooftop restaurant, incidentally, was founded in 2014 by Ranjit Bindra, Shilpa Shetty and Kunal Jani, and is helmed by Suvir Saran, celebrity chef and founder of the now-closed Michelin-starred restaurant Devi in ​​New York .

Sonakshi and Zaheer, the man she lovingly describes as her “personal psychopath,” have been dating for seven years. Salman, who gave Sonakshi her Bollywood break in the action comedy 'Dabbang' (2010), played Cupid.

Zaheer also made his debut in a Salman Khan-produced film – 'Notebook' – where he starred alongside another debutant, Pranutan Bahl, daughter of actor Mohnish Bahl and granddaughter of Nutan.

Salman is said to have introduced Sonakshi to Zaheer on the sets of 'Notebook' in 2017.




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