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A strange loop comes to the Ahmanson Theater

A strange loop comes to the Ahmanson Theater


Michael r. Jacksons Pulitzer Prize-winning musical A Strange Loop has arrived at Ahmanson Theater.

Starring Malachi McCaskill as Usher, a 25-year-old fat, black, queer self-proclaimed usher in the Broadway musical The Lion King, who is an aspiring musical theater writer who writes a musical about an aspiring theater writer musical. His constant companions are his six judgmental thoughts, including his negative and self-sabotaging inner critics, his sexual partners, his historical black figures, and his mother and father. The Thoughts is expertly performed by Jordan Barbour, J Cameron Bartnett, Carlis Shane Clark, Avoice Hayles, Tarra Conner Jones and John-Andrew Morrison.

The set usually features a brick background with six doors for Usher's thoughts to appear. There's a lot of Tyler Perry bashing and an offer for Usher to write a Tyler Perry gospel musical, a big gospel musical with an AIDS is Gods Punishment number and many well-written and moving songs, including Inner White Girl, Exile in Gaywood, Second Wave. , Song of Memory and A Strange Loop. We journey with Usher as he navigates through a world that is uninterested in his point of view and unwilling to recognize him for his size, sexuality, or race.

Like Douglas Hofstadter's A Strange Loop, the audience goes through many emotional stages up and down to end up where it all began, only for Usher to reveal that change is ultimately an illusion.

A Strange Loop is playing at the Ahmanson Theater through June 30, Tuesday through Sunday, Tuesday Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday at 2 and 8 p.m., Sunday at 1 and 6:30 p.m.

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The Ahmanson Theater opened in 1967 and has staged a wide variety of dramas, musicals, comedies, revivals of classics and world premieres (including six by Neil Simon, who presented 13 plays here).

Under the artistic direction of Robert Fryer (1971-1989), the Ahmanson hosted a veritable whos who of the entertainment world, including Katharine Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Jack Lemmon, Ingrid Bergman, Charlton Heston, Angela Lansbury and Peter Ustinov. In 1989, the Center Theater Group's founding artistic director, Gordon Davidson, assumed the role of artistic director of the Ahmanson and was responsible for programming The Phantom of the Opera for a record four years. The Ahmanson has hosted a number of musicals that have moved to Broadway, including The Drowsy Chaperone (13 Tony Award nominations), Curtains (eight Tony nominations), and 9 to 5: The Musical as well as blockbusters including God of Carnage, Mary. Poppins and Jersey Boys.




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