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Newlyweds Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal's first dance on Afreen Afreen goes viral, matches Kajol and Anil Kapoor's steps | Bollywood News

Newlyweds Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal's first dance on Afreen Afreen goes viral, matches Kajol and Anil Kapoor's steps |  Bollywood News


Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal got married on Sunday after having a seven-year relationship, which they never made public. After the wedding, the couple hosted a grand wedding reception in Mumbai which was attended by several Bollywood stars including Rekha, Kajol, Aditi Rao Hydari, Anil Kapoor and Huma Qureshi among others. Now, a video of the couple's first dance at the event is going viral on social media. In the video, the newlyweds can be seen dancing to 'Afreen Afreen', while guests cheer them on.

In the video, the bride can be seen wearing a beautiful red Banarsi saree, which she paired with a statement necklace followed by a neat bun and a gajra. Meanwhile, the groom was seen wearing an all-white ethnic outfit.

In another video, the couple can be seen joined by adorable children. Another viral clip shows the newlyweds dancing with Kajol while Huma Qureshi showers them with rose petals. At the event, Sonakshi's best friend Honey Singh performed for the couple. He was seen singing 'Angrezi beat', while Sonakshi and Zaheer were seen dancing to the song with the guests. They were also seen dancing to 'Chhaiyaa Chaiyaa', among other songs. `

Apart from these videos, another video of the couple during their wedding is widely circulating online. In the video, Sonakshi and Zaheer can be seen sitting together in white outfits, while Zaheer's sister Rakhi showers Sonkashi with flowers and gives him a warm hug. This makes the bride emotional and she bursts into tears. Sharing the video on her Instagram stories, Jannat wrote: “My brother is married. Congratulations Paa and Sona. I'm so happy for you.

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After constant speculation over the past week, the couple confirmed their marriage by sharing a series of photos on their Instagram. Sharing a common message, the couple wrote: “Just today, seven years ago (06/23/2017), in each other's eyes we saw love in its purest form and decided to keep it. Today, that love has guided us through all the challenges and triumphs that have led to this moment where, with the blessing of our two families and our two gods, we are now husband and wife.

It further said: “Here to love, hope and all things beautiful with each other, from today until forever. »

For their registered wedding, the couple dressed in white. Sonakshi Sinha wore a beautiful white saree. To complete her look, she wore a diamond necklace and statement bracelets. Meanwhile, Zaheer complimented her with a white kurta set. The couple completed the legal formalities of their civil marriage at the bride's new apartment in Bandra West.

The couple's grand reception on Sunday evening was a grand affair with Salman Khan, Anil Kapoor, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Siddharth, Vidya Balan, Siddharth Roy Kapur, Raveena Tandon and Tabu among others.

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