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Sonakshi Sinha, Alia Bhatt, Kajol, Deepika and more: 8 Bollywood brides who ditched lehengas for a stunning six yards

Sonakshi Sinha, Alia Bhatt, Kajol, Deepika and more: 8 Bollywood brides who ditched lehengas for a stunning six yards


Published on June 24, 2024 at 2:35 p.m. IST

Sonakshi Sinha chose a saree over a lehenga for her wedding day. Here are other Bollywood brides who opted for six-yard elegance on their special day.


Sonakshi Sinha recently married Zaheer Iqbal, donning a dreamy and ethereal saree that created quite a buzz in the fashion world.  However, she is not the first Bollywood bride to ditch the traditional lehenga outfit in favor of a stylish saree for the big day.  Many other Bollywood brides have also tied the knot in six yards of grace.  From Shilpa Shetty's traditional red saree adorned with crystals to Alia Bhatt's beige Sabyasachi saree exuding unparalleled elegance, these Bollywood divas have redefined wedding fashion with their sophisticated saree looks.  (Instagram)
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Published on June 24, 2024 at 2:35 p.m. IST

Sonakshi Sinha recently married Zaheer Iqbal, donning a dreamy and ethereal saree that created quite a buzz in the fashion world. However, she is not the first Bollywood bride to ditch the traditional lehenga outfit in favor of a stylish saree for the big day. Many other Bollywood brides have also tied the knot in six yards of grace. From Shilpa Shetty's traditional red saree adorned with crystals to Alia Bhatt's beige Sabyasachi saree exuding unparalleled elegance, these Bollywood divas have redefined wedding fashion with their sophisticated saree looks. (Instagram)


Actress Sonakshi Sinha looked radiant in an ivory saree as she married her longtime boyfriend Zaheer Iqbal on Sunday (June 23).  Instead of choosing a designer outfit, Sonakshi chose a sustainable route by recycling her mother Poonam Sinha's wedding saree.  Completed with a white floral gajra, diamond jewelry and minimal makeup, she was a beautiful pastel bride.  (Instagram)
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Published on June 24, 2024 at 2:35 p.m. IST

Actress Sonakshi Sinha looked radiant in an ivory saree as she married her longtime boyfriend Zaheer Iqbal on Sunday (June 23). Instead of choosing a designer outfit, Sonakshi chose a sustainable route by recycling her mother Poonam Sinha's wedding saree. Completed with a white floral gajra, diamond jewelry and minimal makeup, she was a beautiful pastel bride. (Instagram)


Talking about bridal looks without mentioning Alia Bhatt is impossible.  The gorgeous actress wore a stunning ivory Sabyasachi saree for her wedding day which exudes pure grace and elegance.  Paired with a matching sweetheart neckline blouse, chunky diamond jewelry and soft makeup, it looked breathtaking.  (Instagram)
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Published on June 24, 2024 at 2:35 p.m. IST

Talking about bridal looks without mentioning Alia Bhatt is impossible. The gorgeous actress wore a stunning ivory Sabyasachi saree for her wedding day which exudes pure grace and elegance. Paired with a matching sweetheart neckline blouse, chunky diamond jewelry and soft makeup, it looked breathtaking. (Instagram)


When Dia Mirza arrived for her daytime wedding, she looked like a princess wearing a modest red silk saree from Raw Mango.  The saree featured a wide golden border that was elegantly draped, making it look stunning.  A simple crimson dupatta with gold borders completed her bridal ensemble.  She accessorized her look with a spectacular sea pearl necklace, matching earrings, maangtika and handmade bangles.  (Instagram)
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Published on June 24, 2024 at 2:35 p.m. IST

When Dia Mirza arrived for her daytime wedding, she looked like a princess wearing a modest red silk saree from Raw Mango. The saree featured a wide golden border that was elegantly draped, making it look stunning. A simple crimson dupatta with gold borders completed her bridal ensemble. She accessorized her look with a spectacular sea pearl necklace, matching earrings, maangtika and handmade bangles. (Instagram)


Next on the list is the amazing Yami Gautam, who gives a masterclass in slaying a red bridal saree with utmost flair.  For her wedding main event, she wore a silk saree with zari embroidery created by Anita Dongre.  Accessorized with heavy diamond jewelry, bold red lips and her hair tied in a neat bun with a veil adorning her head, she rocked bridal fashion.  (Instagram)
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Published on June 24, 2024 at 2:35 p.m. IST

Next on the list is the amazing Yami Gautam, who gives a masterclass in slaying a red bridal saree with utmost flair. For her wedding main event, she wore a silk saree with zari embroidery created by Anita Dongre. Accessorized with heavy diamond jewelry, bold red lips and her hair tied in a neat bun with a veil adorning her head, she rocked bridal fashion. (Instagram)


For her wedding with Raj Kundra, Shilpa Shetty was wrapped in a six yards of graceful traditional red.  Her stunning saree, from popular designer brand Tarun Tahiliani, oozed opulence with red Swarovski crystals intertwined throughout, radiating royal vibes.  She further enhanced her bridal look with luxurious uncut diamond Kundan jewelry.  (Instagram)
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Published on June 24, 2024 at 2:35 p.m. IST

For her wedding with Raj Kundra, Shilpa Shetty was wrapped in a six yards of graceful traditional red. Her stunning saree, from popular designer brand Tarun Tahiliani, oozed opulence with red Swarovski crystals intertwined throughout, radiating royal vibes. She further enhanced her bridal look with luxurious uncut diamond Kundan jewelry. (Instagram)


Deepika Padukone was the epitome of a South Indian bride in a real red and gold Kanjeevaram zari sari.  For her Mangalorean wedding ceremony, she chose a red gold Kanjeevaram wedding saree from Maison Angadi in Bangalore.  The body pattern of the sari depicted the legendary Gandaberunda, a two-headed bird which also appears on the coat of arms of Karnataka.  To accessorize, Deepika wore an intricate bindi, a matta Patti (traditional headband) and draped a silk dupatta over her hair.  (Instagram)
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Published on June 24, 2024 at 2:35 p.m. IST

Deepika Padukone was the epitome of a South Indian bride in a real red and gold Kanjeevaram zari sari. For her Mangalorean wedding ceremony, she chose a red gold Kanjeevaram wedding saree from Maison Angadi in Bangalore. The body pattern of the sari depicted the legendary Gandaberunda, a two-headed bird which also appears on the coat of arms of Karnataka. To accessorize, Deepika wore an intricate bindi, a matta Patti (traditional headband) and draped a silk dupatta over her hair. (Instagram)


Kajol has always preferred to keep her clothes simple and for her wedding, she chose a dark green saree with gold border.  She looked like a quintessential Maharashtrian bride.  She completed her outfit with a classic gold choker, matching earrings and green and gold bracelets which perfectly complemented her wedding outfit.  (Pinterest)
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Published on June 24, 2024 at 2:35 p.m. IST

Kajol has always preferred to keep her clothes simple and for her wedding, she chose a dark green saree with gold border. She looked like a quintessential Maharashtrian bride. She completed her outfit with a classic gold choker, matching earrings and green and gold bracelets which perfectly complemented her wedding outfit. (Pinterest)


For her 2012 wedding to Siddharth Roy Kapoor, Vidya Balan chose a classic red Sabyasachi Mukherjee saree.  She wore a stunning red saree with heavy gold border and intricate designs for her daytime ceremony.  She completed her bridal look with south Indian necklaces, matching earrings and a crimson choora.  Vidya's signature style was evident with her kohl-rimmed eyes and pale lipstick.  (Pinterest)
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Published on June 24, 2024 at 2:35 p.m. IST

For her 2012 wedding to Siddharth Roy Kapoor, Vidya Balan chose a classic red Sabyasachi Mukherjee saree. She wore a stunning red saree with heavy gold border and intricate designs for her daytime ceremony. She completed her bridal look with south Indian necklaces, matching earrings and a crimson choora. Vidya's signature style was evident with her kohl-rimmed eyes and pale lipstick. (Pinterest)




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