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Off The Rack: Leepakshi Ellawadi on the style of Bollywood greats and creating your own niche

Off The Rack: Leepakshi Ellawadi on the style of Bollywood greats and creating your own niche


Not many people can credit the legendary Amitabh Bachchan for taking their careers to greater heights, except perhaps a few. The elected officials, one could say. Celebrity stylist Leepakshi Ellawadi'Big B's position as her lucky charm is something of a fashion fairy tale, she started styling him for commercials over a decade ago and now her celebrity A-list is adorned with the best members of Bollywood royalty.

The LCF alumna has proven her mettle by styling stars for several films and media engagements and is something of a fashion icon, in her own right. Preity Zinta's stunning sarees at Cannes this year were all the magic of Leepakshi Ellawadi. We delve deeper into her insightful look at all things style, her journey, and the things she favors when it comes to style in this country.

ELLE: Tell us about your stylistic journey, from the beginning.

Leepakshi Ellawadi: My journey as a stylist has been quite exciting, I started as a costume stylist, graduated from LCF and started styling for commercials and I think I was also very lucky to start to style Mr. Bachchan for his advertisements and his personal style. I actually started from a film and then continued to work for his personal wardrobe. That's how it started, it started, about 16 years ago for me.

SHE : Three essential skills to succeed as a stylist in India.

Leepakshi Ellawadi: First of all, always keep your eyes open for new and emerging designers, as I think they are very keen to work with you. And also be more flexible.

Secondly, I think you have to be resourceful and very open to last minute innovations. You have to constantly innovate, especially when working with girls. Their bodies change daily, I would say. So you have to be quick and think. Sometimes with brief changes or changes in weather you have to be very quick with your little tricks.

And third, I would say be on top of your trend game, mixing what the trend is with the bodies you're working with. These are, in my opinion, the top three things a stylist should have.

SHE : What was the I made it moment that really shook things up for you, professionally?

Leepakshi Ellawadi: Well, to be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever had that “I made it” moment. I had, you know, goals or goals in mind, but I just keep pushing them forward as I move forward in my journey. It's been 16 years. I think I'm very proud of a few moments. But then I always feel like I could do better.

SHE : How would you describe your personal style?

Leepakshi Ellawadi: I think if I had to set it in color it would be black and white only. I would say chic, sober, mix of trends, grunge touch, but above all super chic. If I could buy everything in one store for my personal wardrobe, it would be Ralph Lauren.

SHE : Tell us about some exciting projects you are currently working on or looking forward to participating in in the near future.

Leepakshi Ellawadi: I work on many exciting projects because they are very diverse in nature. I am working with Rajkumar Rao and Tripti Dimri on a comedy-drama. At the same time, I'm working with Diana Penty and Tamanna Bhatia on a project Dharma, which is super chic, super chic, more like a city beat of two girls trying to make it, you know, in a more masculine style. -dominant industry in making beer. Additionally, I style several other celebrities at the same time for their events, which are quite diverse in nature.

ELLE: Songs that you practice.

Leepakshi Ellawadi: I can buy myself flowers by Miley Cyrus and Love never felt so good by MJ.

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