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5 Controversial Bollywood launches India TV

5 Controversial Bollywood launches India TV


Controversial Bollywood debut
Image source: IMDB Controversial Bollywood debut

Hundreds of films are made every year in the Hindi film industry. While some films are released easily, some films are embroiled in controversies. But in the worst case scenario, some Bollywood actors have to face controversies in their debut films. Let's take a look at the actors whose first film was embroiled in controversy and why.

Junaid Khan

Bollywood star Aamir Khan's son Junaid Khan's film Maharaj is streaming on OTT platform Netflix these days. His film faced many obstacles during its release. The film is based on the 1862 libel case, which depicts the legal confrontation between the Maharaj of the Vaishnav Society and social reformer Karsandas Mulji. The film ran into trouble when members of the Vaishnav Pushtimarg sect filed a petition against its release. They claimed the film hurt religious sentiments. However, after watching the film, the Gujarat High Court lifted the ban on its release and declared that there was nothing objectionable in this film.

Ayush Sharma

Aayush Sharma's debut film Loveratri, made under the banner of Salman Khan Films, faced the wrath of Vishwa Hindu Parishad. Members of the organization had expressed strong objections to the title of the film. To resolve the issue, the film's title was changed to Loveyatri.

Sarah Ali Khan

Kedarnath was Sara Ali Khan's debut film. Sushant Singh Rajput was seen in the lead role of this film. The film was mired in controversies even before its release. Set against the backdrop of the 2013 Kedarnath floods, the film faced heavy criticism from Hindu groups. The film has been accused of promoting “love jihad”. It was also banned in parts of Uttarakhand due to the protest. However, a court later dismissed the public interest litigation (PIL) against the film, calling it a publicity stunt and fined the complainant.

Mahira Khan

Pakistani actress Mahira Khan made her Bollywood debut with Raees. This film has also been the subject of much controversy. The Shia Muslim community has objected to the scene in the film's trailer showing Shah Rukh Khan jumping over an Islamic procession. Additionally, the political climate following the 2016 Uri attack led to an unofficial ban on Pakistani artists in Bollywood, which also affected Mahira. The actress also later spoke about the emotional impact the controversy had on her. Speaking about it, she said that she had to go through anxiety and depression during this time.

Anurag Kashyap

Anurag Kashyap made his acting debut in Black Friday (2004) as ISI Man. For the unversed, Black Friday is a controversial and award-winning Hindi film about the Mumbai bombings of 1993. Scheduled to release in 2004, the film was finally released in 2007 after a court battle.

Read also:Did you know that 'Sarfira' is Akshay Kumar's 21st film starring Paresh Rawal? View the full list here




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