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The 'Pirates of the Caribbean' actor was 49

The 'Pirates of the Caribbean' actor was 49


Tamayo Perry, professional surfer, lifeguard and actor known for his roles in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Fountain of Youth And Blue favoritedied on June 23 at the age of 49.

Shayne Enright of the Honolulu Department of Emergency Services confirmed in a press conference for local news channel KHON2 that Perry died following a shark attack.

Honolulu Ocean Safety and the city's emergency services responded around 1 p.m. Sunday to a 911 call regarding a man who suffered multiple shark bites near Mlaekahana Beach on the North Shore of Oahus. Perry was brought to shore by paramedics on a jet ski and pronounced dead at the scene.

Tamayo Perry in “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.”

Walt Disney Pictures/Everett

The department's acting chief, Kurt Lager, said Perry, a lifeguard with City and County of Honolulu Ocean Safety, was “a lifeguard loved by all.”

He said Tamayo's personality was contagious and although people loved him, he loved everyone more. Lager concluded by asking for respect for the family's privacy.

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Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi, who also attended the press conference, spoke a few words.

“It’s just a tragic loss,” Blangiardi said. “Tamayo was a legendary and well-respected sailor, he grew up here. Just a wonderful member of our ocean safety team. You get a call like this on a Sunday afternoon and it's really hard to imagine.

Tamayo Perry.

Tamayo Perry Facebook

Perry had worked as a lifeguard since July 2016, according to the Associated Press, and before landing this job, had been a professional surfer for over a decade. Perry was also an actor, appearing in small roles like 2002's Surf Romance. Blue favorite and a procedural episode set in Hawaii, Hawaii Five-O. He is also credited as a stuntman in Owen Wilson's surfing film. The big reboundadapted from the novel of the same name by Elmore Leonard.

Perry appeared in the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean film, which starred Penlope Cruz and Johnny Depp, as one of the buccaneers. Her last role was in the 2015 short film, The bridge.

Shark warning signs were posted in the area following Perry's attack, Ocean Safety officials said. He is survived by his wife, Emilia Perry.




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