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Prince, Green Day, Fantasia, More

Prince, Green Day, Fantasia, More


Prince, Keith Urban and Green Day are among 36 entertainment professionals selected to receive stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Prince, who died in 2016 at the age of 57, will be the subject of a relatively rare posthumous induction. Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of South Parkwill be honored during a double ceremony.

The Class of 2025 was announced during a press conference held at Ovation Hollywood on Monday (June 24). Music producer Jimmy Jam and actors Joe Mantegna and Niecy Nash joined Hollywood Chamber of Commerce President/CEO Steve Nissen to make the announcement. Jimmy Jam was a close collaborator of Prince in the early 1980s, when he and his partner Terry Lewis were in The Time.

This year, the winners range in age from Fantasia, 39, to Toni Vaz, 101. Vaz was Hollywood's first black stuntwoman and co-founder of the NAACP Image Awards. Other older inductees are Chinese-American actress Lisa Lu, 97; film and television actress Jane Fonda, 86; and actor/director Bill Duke, 81.

Fonda, daughter of screen legend Henry Fonda, is one of three second-generation stars honored, along with Emilio Estevez, son of Martin Sheen; and journalist Chris Wallace, son of 60 minutes great Mike Wallace.

Most of the inductees are American, although some are from outside the United States. These include the English group Depeche Mode; Mexican grupera group Los Bukis; Urban, born in New Zealand, but now Australian-American; Irish actor Colin Farrell; Chinese-American actress Lisa Lu; Scottish actor Alan Cumming; and retired English footballer David Beckham.

The Walk of Fame Selection Committee, made up of former Walk of Fame members, selected this year's honorees from hundreds of nominees on June 14. The choices were ratified by the Hollywood Chamber Board of Directors the same day.

The dates have not yet been set for these star ceremonies. Recipients have two years to plan all-star ceremonies from the date of selection before they expire. Upcoming star ceremonies are usually announced 10 days before the dedication on the official website. website.

All-star ceremonies are streamed around the world. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce administers the Walk of Fame on behalf of the City of Los Angeles. Sponsors fund the star, ceremony and maintenance of the world-famous attraction. Attendance at Walk of Fame ceremonies is free to the public. To learn more and find the location of the stars on the Walk of Fame, visit website.

Here are some quick details about this year's inductees into the Hollywood Walk of Fame, showing the current ages of all individuals.




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