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Pirates of the Caribbean actor Tamayo Perry killed in Hawaii shark attack

Pirates of the Caribbean actor Tamayo Perry killed in Hawaii shark attack


Pirates of the Caribbean actor and former professional surfer Tamayo Perry has been killed in a shark attack off the north coast of Oahu, Hawaii.

The 49-year-old man was surfing near Goat Island when he was killed Sunday, Shayne Enright of the Honolulu Department of Emergency Services said in a statement.

Perry played the role of one of the buccaneers in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.

Other acting credits included appearances in Blue Crush and Hawaii Five-O.

He was also a well-known lifeguard and a former professional surfer.

Honolulu Ocean Safety and the city's fire, police and emergency medical services responded to Malaekahana Beach shortly before 1 p.m. Sunday.

A caller reported seeing a man who appeared to have been bitten by a shark, Enright said.

Rescuers brought Perry ashore, where he was pronounced dead. Ocean Safety staff issued warnings about sharks in the area following the attack.

A man holding a surfboard heads into the ocean

A surfer emerges from the ocean on the North Shore of Oahu near Haleiwa, Hawaii.(AP: Caleb Jones)

Acting Honolulu Ocean Safety Chief Kurt Lager said Perry was “a lifeguard loved by all.”

“Tamayo's personality was contagious, and as much as people loved him, he loved everyone even more,” Mr. Lager told a news conference.

“Tamayo was a legendary and well-respected sailor,” Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi said, calling Perry's death a “tragic loss.”

Perry and his wife Emilia operated the Oahu Surfing Experience, offering surf lessons.

According to his biography on the company's website, he surfed professionally for more than 15 years and won the Pipeline Master events in 1999.

The pipeline off the north shore of Oahu is famous for creating a tube that surfers ride for as long as they can.

But it's also the deadliest wave in the world, killing some of the world's best surfers.

It's unclear whether Perry was the first professional surfer to be killed in a shark attack because the definition of a professional in the sport can be fuzzy, said Brendan Buckley, editor of Stab Magazine, a website. dedicated to surfing.

“But in terms of a top surfer that people around the world know and respect, he's the first one I've ever known,” Mr Buckley said from his office in Portugal.

Perry “was never like someone who was going to fight for a world title,” Mr. Buckley said.

“He was more of a guy who chased down crazy big waves and documented that.

“For a while he was one of the most successful people.

“He had some of the craziest waves of his era. He was incredibly respected by everyone there and around the world for what he did.”

Perry said on his website that he took to heart the lessons learned from a near-fatal accident while surfing Pipeline years ago.

“The lessons I learned from this event have inspired me in my goal to instill surf etiquette and safety in those I teach,” he wrote.

Perry began his career as a North Shore lifeguard for Honolulu City and County Ocean Safety in July 2016, Enright said.

The same year Perry appeared in Pirates of the Caribbean, he appeared in an episode of the television series Hawaii Five-0.

He has also appeared in a few national commercials.

“When I'm not acting, I'm still a real character, so there's always a lot of fun to be had,” he said.

The last fatal shark incident in Hawaii was on December 30, when a man surfing off the coast of Maui was attacked about 137 meters from shore.


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