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Action movie starring June Squibb, 94, exposes a Hollywood problem that needs to stop

Action movie starring June Squibb, 94, exposes a Hollywood problem that needs to stop



  • Hollywood's misrepresentation of older actors is highlighted in Thelma, a film in which June Squibb shines as an action hero.
  • Films like Thelma show the need for better age representation in Hollywood with success on Rotten Tomatoes.
  • While Thelma won't completely change the industry, she sets an example for more movies and shows to feature older lead actors.

June Squibb's new action comedy, Thélma, is not only a success, but it also highlights one of Hollywood's most important issues. Although Hollywood is the source of the world's best movies and TV shows, the entertainment industry doesn't always have the best track record when it comes to representation. For example, it took decades for films and television to begin to accurately portray women and BIPOC characters. Even so, Hollywood still has work to do. However, when it comes to films like Thélmawith movie stars over 50, there is hope that Hollywood can improve.

Josh Margolin's new film follows June Squibb as Thelma Post, elderly woman scammed out of $10,000. As a result, Thelma teams up with a younger friend to take back what is rightfully hers. Sitting in front of an impressive “Certified Fresh” on Rotten Tomatoes, Thélma embraces its older main character, transforming her into an action hero of sorts. Even though the film is full of laughs, Thélma actually reveals exactly what Hollywood has been doing wrong for so many years.


Thelma Review: June Squibb is hilarious in Josh Margolin's deliciously irresistible comedy

June Squibb proves she's still on top of her acting game in an energetic and charming adventure comedy that's actually really funny.

Hollywood has a poor track record when it comes to telling stories from an older person's perspective

Older people are poorly or not represented at all

June Squibb's Thelma rides a mobility scooter down the hallway in Thelma 2024

After watching June Squibb, 94, play an action heroine and comedy star in Thélma, it's much more obvious how Hollywood has ignored and mistreated older characters. According to Squire, a study by AMICA found that in 2021, only 2% of films had an older person as the lead actor. Similarly, the Geena Davis Institute found that 83% of respondents agree that “Media culture doesn't realize how much it stereotypes older people. » The institute went on to explain that older people are often portrayed in purely domestic roles, with no chance of romance.

One of the biggest factors behind the misrepresentation of older people in Hollywood is the fear of aging.

It's strange that Hollywood can't accurately represent older people, especially since a specific portion of the population is vital to the industry's success. Unfortunately, this trend is even worse among older women. Older actors don't often get romantic storylines, but when these roles emerge, they go to more men in the industry rather than women.. A major factor in the misrepresentation of older people in Hollywood is the fear of aging. Even though people are living longer, they view aging as a bad thing.

Thelma's RT Score Highlights Need for Better Age Representation in Film

Thelma proves older stories matter

Society may be afraid of aging, but the stories of older characters still need to be told. Thelma's The Rotten Tomatoes score is proof of that. The 2024 film has a 99% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with an audience score also high at 80%. Thelma Post may be an unexpected and non-traditional character for Hollywood, but given the success of the film, viewers are eager to see this kind of story. If Thélma I can do it so well, so other films with older tracks could achieve the same success or maybe even more. Thélma shows that gender and age should not hinder an actor.

Thelma Post is June Squibb's first leading role.

It is undeniable that Thelma's the older main character is part of the film's success based on reviews. On Rotten Tomatoes, critics praised Thelma's older perspective. While the film highlights aging and the negative connotations that come with it, the film manages to balance comedy with serious topics. Eventually, Thélma is a good film because of its humor, action and tight storyline. However, it's also great because it's a game-changer for how Hollywood portrays older people and older women.

Thelma alone won't change the film industry, but it's a start

Thelma is not the only game changer

Frankie (Lily Tomlin) and Grace (Jane Fonda) standing next to each other and smiling in Grace and Frankie

While Thelma's success is exciting, it will not be enough to revamp Hollywood. For now, this is just an example of a well-done older main character. However, Thélma is not alone either. Recently, a handful of TV shows and movies have spotlighted older characters. 80 for Brady, Grace and Frankie, And Wiser than me all gave older women a chance to shine in a surprising way.

Ultimately, there's still a lot of work to be done for older actors in Hollywood. However, Thelma is part of a truly amazing movement. The film illustrates how important and entertaining an older narrative can be. Hopefully its success can inspire even more movies and shows with older lead actors.

Source: Rotten Tomatoes, Squire

Thelma 2024 movie poster

Thélma (2024)

Josh Margolin

Release date
January 18, 2024

Josh Margolin

June Squibb, Fred Hechinger, Richard Roundtree, Parker Posey, Clark Gregg, Malcolm McDowell




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