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Daily Show mocks Jeff Bezos, calling him 'the most powerful nerd in history'

Daily Show mocks Jeff Bezos, calling him 'the most powerful nerd in history'


Amazon honcho Jeff Bezos is many things to many people, but to The Daily Show, he's simply the most powerful nerd in history.

The billionaire businessman is the latest prominent figure to be brutally mocked by Comedy Central's Daily Showography series, and HuffPost has an exclusive sneak peek before it airs on Monday's Daily Show episode.

And yes, Amazon is also caught in this.

For example, Daily Show correspondent Desi Lydic, chronicling Bezos's showography, notes that when Bezos was a young boy in Albuquerque, New Mexico, his regular visits to a local Radio Shack gave him an early appreciation. for technology, cheap waste of China and underpaid workers.

Lydic also points out that Bezos attended Princeton, one of the top colleges for nerds, but didn't have much luck with women, although he went on many dates with his friends.

Yes, despite many positive opinions from his friends, women discovered that the actual product was not what they were led to believe it, jokes Lydic.

She then mentions Bezos' $200 billion net worth that he has amassed since founding Amazon and how he has used it to make a number of expensive purchases, including a super yacht complete with his own yacht , the fastest jet in the world, a ton of mansions and a gigantic clock. this only ticks once a year.

Lydic goes on to say that although Bezos gave 1.5% of his fortune to charity, he did not share that largesse with Amazon employees, preferring to bestow upon them the gift of knowledge.

You know what they say: teach a man to fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to piss in a bottle while he eats his fish, he only has to take a two-minute lunch break, Lydic jokes, presumably referring to an earlier trial in which warehouse workers of Amazon said they barely had enough time for lunch because of the company's workplace policies.

However, Lydic says Bezos' greatest legacy is the one he forged when he sent his penis-shaped rocket into space in September 2021.

Bezos had finally done it. He ultimately made space travel seem uncool, Lydic says. And now the world knows the real Jeff Bezos as well as Jeff Bezos knows himself.

You can watch Bezos' showography below.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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